has been a stinking blast!! seriously, we are just having the time of our lives with our new addition.. and just look at her!! not much work besides the occasional( ok, daily.. even hourly) blow out and the constant soaking of clothes.. People ask me all the time how is it adapting with four kids.. Or they see us out (don't know us) and they say "oh, you have your hands full!"..My reply is always, well, actually it is pretty easy. Little T didn't come out walking or back talking.. so yeah.. she is pretty darn easy. Her older siblings just adore her and they fight over who gets to give her a hug and kiss good night during the bedtime routine. Today, while driving to pick up Big T from school, Tegan was coo'ing(yeah, she does that now.. so melts me!) and so Beckham was talking to her. He said " hi Tegan will you be my best friend?".. AWE. hearing that come from the back seat of the van, just filled me with joy. I realized (yet again) how amazingly blessed I am. Do you ever stop and look into the sweet eyes of your children and say "what did I do to deserve such awesome gifts?". I do. I find myself thanking God every single night during my prayer time for the beautiful gifts he has blessed me with. I pray for each one of the individually(um, even pray for their future mates.. I know jumpin the gun just a tad on that one perhaps.. lol) and I ask him to give me guidance on how to raise them. and who am I kidding?? I ask for LOTS of patience.. four is kind of a rough age.. just sayin'.
It's a good thing she is so stinkin' adorable.
Anyway... my busy, busy time of year is *almost* coming to an end.. so I had some free time to actually pop over here and blog on this page. I am so ever grateful for the amazing growth in my business this year.. (I'll do a separate post on that here soon). I wanted to give a few updates here before we get full force immersed into the Christmas season. Well, actually we started fun festivities last weekend and have been doing something each night since. I have been taking pics along the way and I look forward to sharing them here on my blog.
I'll leave you with the announcement that we sent out for Miss Tegan.