2 out of 3 of us woke up Sunday with it, and the little guy woke up to a snotcoverd face this morning!
The bunny left a pile of carrots in our hallway... and then a messy trail of half eaten ones through the house leading to the prize!
stuffed to sing( and not embarrass my self) and Tatum added her own comentary to the lesson with her 337 sneezes!!
We raced home, to get dinner started as I was hosting this year for my side of the family.
the table was set. the food mostly prepped.

my traditional lamb cake flopped(remember I have a cake biz???-actually it didn't come out of the pan very well this time... so glad it happened for family!), so we sliced it up and I made a trifle with fruit and pudding, etc. It was totally delish.. and pretty too . great idea honey!
my mom brought yummy ham and my favorite creamy corn/cheese dish.
I made several other things including some addicting garlic cheese biscuits.
all of this and I never even ate Easter dinner!! LOL
after things were served, and Tatum was fed... I curled up on the couch with a grand supply of kleenex!!

and here is our sickly girl.. still trying to be happy.
I hope you all had great celebrations.
I saw this and thought it was totally cool.
what great witnesses they are.