can't believe he is already two.. growing so fast and learning so much everyday!
We started the celebration with his traditional breakfast(how much of a tradition right, he's only 2?) at Mc Donalds for pancakes!! this kid ate nearly THREE of those big ones!!
then after community care we went to meet grandma at Applebee's for a FREE birthday lunch =)
did you know you can fill out a postcard and they will mail it back to you for a free kids meal!
very handy!
so he thouroughly enjoyed the royal treatment and his GREEN balloon.. and the cuppy cake that grandma brought him!

We spent the rest of the day napping and then opening all the goodies that had come in the mail!
this kid raked in $85.00 from out of town relatives! must be his cute little cheeks. =)
Friday, we spent most of the day shopping and organizing things for his party on Sat.
we had to mentally prepare ourselves too, b/c the forecast was to be 95 degrees!! and with 40 people coming I was counting that the party would be outside!!
So the theme was a barnyard theme. It all started with

So we turned our house into a barnyard. I had gone to the farm n fleet store and got troughs and lots of galvanized buckets to serve things in. and then I dug through my moms collection of her "country stuff " from the eighties!!
SO glad that she was not in to Pottery barn way back then, or I would not have gotten so many perfect additions in serving ware!
I used red and white gingham and navy and red bandana prints. We put all of Brigs toys out of sight and only had out barns, and tractors, and stuffed farm animals. One of my friends loned my two little rocking horses, and several farm themed puzzels!
Everyboday came in their barnyard duds.. and we had a farmtastic time!!
we wanted to make sure the guests knew which hose was the party house.. SO.....
(i will have to finish in another post!!)
anyway we had a fabulous time! more than one child threw a fit when they had to leave!
we survived the heat.. although, I did forego the games.
They were having too much fun in the duck pond and the sandbox to stop for organized play!
Thats ok by me, cept now I have 15 pink balloon "pigs" floating around my living room!
I had added pink ribbon for tails, and drew nose and eyes. the game was that the kids had to "swat' with a fly swatter, all the pigs from one side of the fence to the other!!
------------continued in next post----------------------------------
Great pictures!! And the invitation was so cute!!!
leave us hanging! i want to know what you did to you house to make it look like a barn! did you paint it red? ; )
SUCH cute invitations. he's such a cutie also! and 2 year olds are the cutest (though a handful).
can't wait to see more pics!
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