yep, our weather guy says that last nights coldness of 9 degrees is the last time we'll see it like that for a year!!
I am hoping. I am so ready for spring! I keep checking outside to see all the little nubs of green starting to sprout.
Remember, I planted 425 bulbs last fall!! Would you believe I was in Lowe's this weekend, and saw a bunch of beautiful glads that I could get in by May for a mid to late summer bloom.
I am actully thinking of planting some.

We'll see if I can reach the ground over my mongo belly to do so.
I just can't wait to see all the color in my yard! Plus, I have a landscaping project up my sleeve for after baby comes.

Here is an updated pic from me at 31 weeks. Took last week after I got my hair highlighted.
I had tried to do it myself three days earlier, and well, it pretty much turned out like a high school girl's hair from the 80's.
ya know that nice shade of orange with the darker roots.!! ACK, it was just horrible, I seriously did not leave the house for 2.5 days , til my appt.!!
Much happier with it and the girl straightened it in no time, and I couldn't believe how long it is !!
(now I've got that urge to cut it!!)
we got Brigham's new quilt for his bed.
I tried to order it Friday from PBk, but they were out of the color in twin size. Luckily I called the Indianapolis store and they had one left!! I put it back, and surprised Andrew by telling him we HAD to go shopping in Indy on Sat.(only an hour away).
We told Brigham we were getting a new blanket for his bed, and started getting all sad, saying 'i not going to have my white and yellow, and blue, and pink, and purple one?'.
well, he was referring to a little one that he just recently started carrying around with him in the mornings.
I so thought we were going to get thru w/ o having a security item.
But after a couple hours it gets tossed on the couch, so I don't think he needs it that badly.
Anyway, got the quilt, and went to Old Navy, but they didn't have any maternity stuff. I thought a bigger store then what we have might carry, but NO>
luckily there was a Carter's right next door, with 50% off for BABY!!!
so I picked up a couple sweet things in pink. Looked in Gymboree too, and Jack and Jill, found some adorable stuff, but will wait for the sale on those.
Came home that night and spent a bunch at , prepping for our AZ trip. and I actually found some great stuff at
Found some adorable drawer pulls in distressed red star shapes, for Brigham's closet.
His room is coming together .
I found this online shopping to be quite easy.. (to spend a ton, that is.. very quickly!)
I'll post pics later.
Gotta go get the munchkin out of bed( it is 9:30am and he is just stirring!) and start cleaning the house..
hope you have a great day =)