I've had some requests for these... so here ya go!! enjoy =)
not sure why its sideways. but Brigham totally enjoyed the plane ride and was pointing out the cars and houses below to his pal Curious George!!
this was taken up at the Wrigley mansion. And look at my sweet brother with his nephew!! They bonded quickly and Brian earned a new name..'UNCLE MONKEY"
At our trip to the Phoenix Zoo, Brigham loved
I'm pretty sure all the animals were heavily sedated to allow all these toddlers to wack them with combs and brushes!!
wow!! am I huge or what!! here I am probably on a return trip from one of the many bathroom visits!!
Our visit to a ghosttown and an upclose look at our favorite green cactus.
Brigham learned right way..
'don't touch the sorrrraarroo!!"
the superstition mountains are in the background.
I'll post some more later!
Great photos! And i love the pregnant one of you from a few photos ago. I have some great ones of my pregnancy with my son, but sadly didn't take enough when I was pregnant with my daughter. When exactly are you due???
love those pictures, especially him with the brush attacking the animals, haha, too cute!
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