doing and going = no time to blog.
and what a bummer, b/c there actually would be a lot to blog about!!
ok, so recap of last week...
Easter was perfect. one of the best celebrations in the last few years.
Spiritually, it was just awesome, our services were fantastic, and the music, scriptures, message, just really spoke to me. Love that when that happens.
We had dinner with two of our friends and my mom joined us. I did all the cooking, cept for my mom did the ham. I didn't want my girlfriends to have to do anything... just show up and enjoy.
The weather was completely ridiculous, but that did not stop us from having a huge egg hunt in the back yard. We had so much fun hiding them, and then watching all the kiddos search around for them.
this year, Brigham got the whole idea and scored a bunch of eggs.
needless to say, none of the kids ate Easter dinner, as they had feasted on chocolate and jelly beans.
We had a great time. I felt really good(suprisingly for cooking and being on my feet all day).
Finally around 9:30 pm, I crashed.. on the couch.
we worked some more on the book case for Brigham's room. I did loads and loads of laundry. =)
Finally, I think this cold spell is gone and I can pack up all Brig's winter clothes.
We put in a new closet system (that totally rocks) and I am having fun, organizing and adding *pink* into his closet.
there is so much room in there now, and now wasted space, so most of the toys are able to fit too.
Wednesday, I met some girlfriends for dessert at the ol' Olive Garden, ... and they SURPRISED me with a shower!!
well, actually it was a diaper shower to be exact with a few touches of pink(bibs) and some adorable home made burp cloths.
I am totally stocked for several months on diapers and wipes. =)
Friday, we had sunshine and (warmer) temps,. I watched a friends little girl all day and it was so nice to be outside with the kids.
They helped me in the garden.. rode bikes.. and played with almost every toy from the garage!!
yep, I know I said I was in the garden.. at 37 weeks preggo, it was a tad exhausting, bending over and such, but I just had to get all the weeds out and I can't wait to plant some annuals this week!!
Guess, I have spring fever, or nesting issues..!!
Saturday, we went to dinner with friends. Went to a local pizza place with the best fried dough around. Baby totally was digging it.
Love hanging out with them. the kids get a long great. husbands/wives get a long great. we see them about every other week.. and its so much fun.. you know No time limit or anything.
Of course, someone suggested ice cream afterwards.. (which is sort of a tradition with us)
we hit the DQ and the kids started flying high(on ice cream that is).
yesterday we slept in. and then spent the afternoon at Purdue for their Spring fest.
pics to come.