(just out and about enjoying the spring weather)
Last weekend was spent with birthday parties for Brigham's little friends.
Babysitting for a friends children (2 and 7 mos)
actually, Andrew spent the evening babysitting, b/c my crzy preggo mind forgot that we did indeed have plans to go to a birthday party, and offered to watch another friend of mines children so they could have a night out with her visiting parents.
Who would have thought Andrew couldn't handle it!
When I got into my car, after the party, my phone had 5 missed calls.. two desperate messages , and then it began to ring..
Um, duh, I told you I was taking Brigham to a birthday party at Chick Filet~
Andrew-- this baby has been crying the entire time!!
Ok, I'll be home. and guess what as soon as I walked in the door, and reached for her. she stopped. and never made another sound =)
By the way, Chick filet throws fabulous kids parties, if you're into making a call, showing up, and having it ALL done for you.
Me of course is more into stressing for months, spending hundreds of dollars, letting my creative side go wild, and making my husband miserable until the party is over.. (all for a few hours)
Yep, I have already started planning, and purchasing for Brigham's 3rd party this JULY!
hopefully, it will be less stressfull this time, since I am starting ahead of time.
Oh wait, I will have a newborn too. guess we'll see what happens
Sunday was spent lunching with friends and getting ice cream.
This past weekend we completely cleaned and reorganized the garage.
Got rid of a winters worth of dog hair. YUCK.. and moved Hailey and her house to the side yard.
Several people came by thinking we were having a garage sale.. OOPS.
I dug up all the dead stuff and cleaned up most of the garden around the house.
A tad painful, as this belly tends to get in the way.
Andrew mowed the lawn, and spread grass seed.
My dad bought Brigham an unfinished book case and came over and stained it.
I made dinner for our good friends who just had a baby boy and we got to visit with them again.
Seriously at one week old, he is the cutest thing ever. I think I have seen him 5 times so far.
I guess I am getting that baby itch...
Sunday after church, we went to McAlisters Deli and Brigham serenaded a lady at the table down from us with his A,B,C's.
We should have told him about the tip thing. He could earn a nice living at such a young age.
I bought some flowers to plant, but now they are sitting in my garage, b/c its supposed to go back to 7 days of 40 degree weather! YUCK.
I am heading out to buy an Easter dress for myself and have no idea what I am going to do.
And I need to look for some saddle shoes for Brigham , to go with his little Eton suit.
We are trying to teach Brigham about Easter, he doesn't even get the whole Bunny thing.
He definately knows that Jesus 'fell off the cross'. and then woke up again.
He made a cute palm branch in sunday school and has been going around the house singing "Hosanna".
Well, I better get the little guy dressed so we can attempt to run errands.
Hope you are all having a great week!
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