1. My Tater girl's pig tails... her hair is sooo long(has not had a hair cut yet in almost 3 years!). unlike her older brother who didn't have one in 2 1/2 yrs because he had no hair! LOL
So her piggie tails are so long, that I loop them up and tie them in little buns.. got the idea from Chasing Fireflies catalog(one of my faves). her hair is just so cute with these blonde little ringlets in the back that I hate to cut them for fear they won't come back. I do however love the little bob.. so maybe right before or after her 3rd bday , I'll do that.. (and it will help with pool time hair this summer as well !)

but then I went and found this site.. and makes me NOT want to cut her hair. If you have a girl, you should totally check it out!
2. my Beckham baby up on all fours!! yep.. he is a mad man crawler now... all over the place.. he is so much happier (if that even could occur) now that he has freedom to roam. He goes where ever the other kids are.. he follows me down the hallway, into the kitchen.. though I always "hear" him coming, b/c he whines a bit.. lol
and he'll crawl to get something and then resume his favorite sitting position. ahh. SO cute!
3. My Big rock star, faux hawk wearing 5 year old!! Gosh, I can't believe how big he is looking.. yet at the same time , just bursting with that child like innocence. LOVE him.. soo much. He is quite the little student too.. need to do another post about his P/T conference from this period. makes a mama proud, thats for sure!!!

4. the warmer temps we have been having(except today, rainy, cloudy, and brrrrr.) you would think it was winter.. well guess it is IN.. so we could have snow in April!! but we have had some nice park days, and I am excited to see all the bits of green popping up in my yard!

5. My fearless wonder..... love seeing how different she is then her big brother at the same age. I just can't get over how cool it is to be a mom to each one of my kids.. to see the uniqueness in each one of them.. and their personalities emerging and likes and dislikes , etc, etc.

6. My pudgy little one embarking on a new kind of food. Peaches. um, yeah.. as you can see not sure with the first couple bites.. ( I make my own, so they were probably pretty tart) but by the end, he was starting to get used to it. As of now, he eats peaches, pears, banana's , applesauce and tonight he tried blueberries. I mix it all with baby oatmeal and he eats this a couple times a day (if I remember) , sometimes its only once!

7. and I found a new favorite on etsy. yep. totally blog hopped about a month ago, and came across a girl ( who I later realized was a real life friend of a friend of mine, and the way I found her was she followed a blog of a very good friend of mine.(but they don't even know each other! ha.. the magical , fabulous blogging world!). .. anyway.. she makes these adorable necklaces. I knew I had to have one. totally my style.
...and then the package arrived...

and here is a shot of the necklace...

go here and get yourself one. I am going back for at least 2 more for summer!!
8. My little lady all accessorized. seriously, we can't leave the house to even go get the mail, without her grabbing her purse, her GASSSES, (of course there is a bow on her head) , but of course..
and usually a necklace and a couple bracelets.

here is my little diva sporting her new pink jelly shoes for summer...

she wants to wear these every day!
here is my little diva sporting her new pink jelly shoes for summer...
she wants to wear these every day!
guess I should have taken a picture of the tv.. because it s MARCH MADNESS and that is one of the things I am really loving lately! Andrew even took 2 days off last week (conveniently starting the day after St. Patty's) to go to BW3, or wild wings, or Bdubs. whatever. the wing place , ya know..
to watch hours upon hours of basketball.
and what do you know, our Boilermakers are still in it! Sweet Sixteen , oh yeah! we are just a little pumped around here, though it could come to a crushing halt Friday night when we face Duke.
we'll be cheering hard in our Black and Gold!!
oh, and so here is
#10..( insert picture of my mom) She has been an incredible saving grace and a wonderful grandma this week.. see we're on our spring break, and after the first half day, I was about to go bonkers, so she called and invited Brig to come stay for a few days!!
He thinks she hung the moon, and he is calling and reporting all the fun, sweet treats, and extra special things she is spoiling him with. yayyy for grandmas. =)
and I am able to sleep til 9 am or after (today.. it was 9:30) and also getting some quiet moments to get some work done.
So leave me a comment will ya, and let me know one thing that you're lovin' right now!!