Monday, March 15, 2010

way cool !

So you probably have heard me talk a bit about the awesome church we attend.. seriously. its such a breath of fresh air.. challenging, convicting, amazing, encouraging,engaging, spirit led... and just a whole bunch of other cool stuff.

anyway.. about a month ago, our pastor friend Whobbie (ok, its Robbie, but that is what Tatum calls him) announced in our life group and then on a Sunday morning, that he really felt God was prompting him to call his people to pray. LOVE the authenticity he brings.

LOVE this. and by this he doesn't just mean.. email your prayer request and then silently pray for someone (if you happened to get around to it.. kinda praying).

serious prayer people.

This is one of the things that we were introduced to at Clear River, and have sensed a strong void in our lives ever since. We have been praying about it(Andrew and I) , and talking to some good friend who are gifted in this type of prayer ministry..about the fact that we really wish somehow NV could bring this amazing intercessory type of prayer to its people..

and guess what? Its here.. taking baby steps, b/c it does take a lot to get used to. but ahhhh. it feels good to the soul' I tell ya!

and so, back to the whole point of this post which is to share with you something really cool that our Pastor is doing. They call it Northview40.. and its forty days of prayer. We all got these nifty little keychain thingys that list each day and what do pray for. SPECIFICALLY.
so how fantastic is that the entire community of our church is potentially praying for these same things at the same time. GOD IS WORKING!!

and so we also have a blog with prompts and places for people to share what is going on in their lives.. go check it out here.

Feel free to adapt any of these days to your daily prayers... and if you want to come check out our church.. you're welcome any time =).. and this week is baptism, which is super cool.. so if you haven't felt the holy spirit moving in your life lately.. its a great chance to do so!!


Anonymous said...

God constantly is refining us and moving us. WE need to be on our knees more, crying out for healing in our land and within the family of God. Come Holy Spirit, Come!

Unknown said...

this is so way cool! my mission trip to New York City this past week really taught me the power of prayer :) so awesome! your church looks like its doing some really cool stuff!
cousin Hannah


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