Friday, November 19, 2010

my princess wants

we have not experienced the joy of the impending Christmas season quite like this before. Our quite and content( oh.. so no that way as a 1st grader..!) first born.. never asked for much. Well he actually still doesn't ever ask for anything.. not even gum at the grocery store. I guess he never asked for toys, because he never knew what was out there. We started out this parenting thing not letting him watch tv. Well.. he watched PBS after he was 3 and before that it was baby Einstein or we sing silly songs on DVD ! He didn't even know who or what characters were.. except for Purdue Pete! He knew that one well. Sooo. last week began a new era for us. One where we are left holding our aching ears and making loose promises!
Our 3 1/2 year old who is everything girly girl... who does not go out of the house with out 2 purses and sunglasses and usually her lipstick. The girl who jumps up and down when I said someone was bringing over new hair bows for her! The girl who watches me put on my make up every day. The girl who wears a pony tail and says "I look like mommy now". compliment.. , I think? lol
She has been caring for her baby dolls since she was 6 months old. She has had a bow in her hair since she was 2 days old. We have shifted to flowers and headbands.. but always an accessory. The girl screams as we walk past the shoe department of Target.
and... well . now she has discovered commercials. Partly our fault.. yes I know.. we introduced cable . She now watches Disney channel.. (which actually was a positive as it prepped the kids for our trip last month).. however several times a day.. this can be heard through out the house.
"moommmmmmmmmyyyyy, do you think I can get that?" or "daaaaaaaaadddy, do you think I can have one of those?"
this rant will continue and actually get quite emotional and even some tears stream, if her request is not acknowledged.
and so our constant response has been "well, you 'll have to talk to HoHo about that".
Ho Ho has some big promises (perhaps) to live up to. oh.. and for the record.. nothing that is remotely boy is ever requested. It is every baby, barbie, princess, coloring, crafty thing advertised.
I can only imagine what the toy aisle at Target will be like this year! maybe we'll divert her attention with a free cookie from the bakery.

Sunday, November 07, 2010

We met the Mouse!

I have a very good reason for not posting in a couple weeks.... we took a much needed vacation to meet the Mouse and all his friends! We just got back this week and quite honestly , I need a vacation from my vacation! We were up every day (8) and at our shuttle by 8am and didn't come back to our resort until 10pm most nights! We packed in a whole lot... and STILL didn't see all we wanted to. Guess there will have to be a return trip =).
Friends have been asking for pictures... and I have been swamped with work since the day we returned! I just now took them off the ipad and decided I better get at least one pic up on FB and thought I'd share one here too.
We had a fantastic time. I actually decided that I want to live in Disney World. It is the happiest place on earth- besides the fact that I gained 4 lbs. oops! Geesh... the dining plan just had too many options.. and come on.. a big honkin' dessert for every meal! I was not used to eating like that.. and I totally indulged.
I wish I could have stayed away from the sweets like Andrew did- he came back having lost 2 lbs. Pretty easy to do that considering the amounts of walking we did- Plus he got up at 5am to run.. (um.. silly daddy.. but I still give him kudos!)
I have to get caught up on editing some sessions.. and then I'll be back to posting about our trip- not even going to attempt the some 700 + pics from the trip yet! yikes.
Kids are finally getting caught up on sleep... but our poor little BeckBeck visited the Dr. on Friday for a double ear infection. He is scarfing down his meds, so hopefully will be feeling better soon!
well.. I am off to load up some client galleries.. be back soon!


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