I must confess, i don't say it with the same intensity the Joey Lawrence does.
(can you believe, his one of my first CD's ). I am really dating myself here!!
Sometimes a weekend goes by, with nothing to exciting. Or it goes by with so much crammed into it, that it is not relaxing. But last weekend was a blast.
Started on Friday with motivation to go to the gym! I have decided to strive towards 25 pounds lost in the next 3 months!! Since I have already given up chocolate, this should not be problem..
as long as I actually go to the gym every day.. and that the Lemon(lowfat) girl scout cookies find another home!
How exited was I to come home to mail.. not just any mail, like my Ck, that gets me real excited, or the new PB or WS catalogs...(they really make me nutzo!).. but A BIG p

The super cool JILL sent me all this yummy stuff .
Seriously, I could not believe, how much stuff she sent.. and so many fun papers, and boyish stuff.. lots of ribbons... HS stuff.. embellies!
I can not wait to start scrappin with it!
thanks so much Jill! You rock!
Friday night, my dad came over to watch Brigham, cuz andrew and i both had plans. They always have so much fun. My dad is always half way asleep on the couch after an evening of keeping up with Brig!!
Love FREE babysitting. WE are so lucky to live in the same town..actually just a few miles away from both my parents. So we get to go out a lot!
So on Friday, Andrew was working late and heading to the gym, so I went out with a friend.
We had so much fun ! We spent over an hour in Hobby Lobby. Gosh, it was so nice to be able to take my time, and neither of us had our little boys to deal with!
Of course, I had to get me some scrap stuff.. and I got tons of ideas for outdoor decorating!!
Every time I go out.. is an adventure.. this time was not exception.
We had to deal with smelly guy following us . This guy literally smelled like the Dan Pablo's kitchen. Although, since his wife did not , we realized, that they had not just come from dinner.
The smell lingered for about five minutes, after he vacated our aisle.
And of course 20 minutes later, we run into him again.. we had to be real quick with our selections, so we would not pass out!
When we got to the checkout.. we actually chose a much longer line, just so we would not have to breathe behind him!
Moral to this.. if you smell, you should be aware of it.. and if you are with someone who smells.. you should make them aware of it!!
We went to the mall, and indulged in a rich and thick coffee drink!! and ohhhed and awed over lot s of baby clothes. We did pretty much shop til we dropped..
and then relaxed in a cozy little downtown bar.. as we gabbed.. and drank.. and laughed.. and drank.!!
It was so good to have a girls night out !
Saturday, I was able to sleep in.. and do a little work around the yard. Then I met my mom for dinner at my fave Mexican restaurant. (the smells of hobby lobby had gotten me in the mood for this!!)
Then my mom and I shopped for new spring clothes for Brigham. I picked out a bathing suit, that I swear, I will get into by June!!
Came home that evening, and watched a good movie with my hubby. Very cute.. kinda sappy, very predictable.. but Sandra and Hugh.. were easy on the eyes.. for both of us!
check out Two weeks notice.
Sunday we had a great church service.. always love when it just speaks to me.. so fun to start the week out that way! After lunch , the three of us just played and played. Brigham is getting to be such a character. He is always on the move. and there are always sounds coming out of him!
It is so much fun to be just plain silly with him.
Andrew went to work, and Brigham and I both took naps.
Don't know what my deal is.. but the last few weeks.. i am always soo tired! Love it when I can take a nap.. and not feel guilty!
I got all domestic, and made a yummy pasta dish for dinner. and then I got to curl up on the couch and watch my hottie Matthew in How to lose a guy in 10 days.
He is sooo cute.. just amazing that a guy can be that perfect.. (i dated a guy in college that looked a close second to him).. man, what could have been?!!!!
So that was pretty much it lots of fun and relaxation.. and quality family time!
and woke up to 70 degrees and sunshine today!!
Whoo hooo!
have a marvelous monday.=)
.....and nobody puts baby in the corner.
did you happen to watch Dirty Dancing, too?
Sounds like you had an eventful weekend! I love the scrap stuff you got from your friend. That is so neat that you do those swaps or whatever they are called. I wouldn't know, I don't scrap ... I will someday when I'm done with college and can afford it, but I like all of the stuff way too much to tempt myself.
your girls night out sounds like FUN!! glad you liked the goodies, & hope you have fun scrapping w/them =)
Don't you HATE the Don Pablo's smell?? Oh, I can imagine it now.. GROSS!!
Jill is an amazing RAK giver!! Well done, Jill!!!
Did it snow this morning where you are? Why do we live in IN? Oh yeah, cuz of what you mentioned earlier in this post.. the free babysitting and family oh-so-close. =-)
Sounds like a fun weekend. Have fun with all that scrap stuff.
I love the RAK you received, what a nice friend you have!!
Sounds like a good weekend, I was to watching How to lose a guy in 10 days along with Back to the Future, so many good movies on the tube this weekend.
yay! what a happy post! you totally put me in a good mood : )
awesome freakin package! i'm jealous!
love girls nights out, always a good time
oh, and no - NOBODY puts baby in the corner....... ; )
Just found your blog-looks like a lot of fun:) I ditto the Matthew McCoun(oops I stop here cuz I can't figure how to spell his last name) love his voice!!
Great RAK. Amaziing stuff.
Love Mathew he is amazing but I don't think he is perfect. hehe:). Love the movie how to lose a guy in 10 days. So true to some extent. I also just love watching movies with my hubby.
Hobby Lobby RULES.
I am curious if you think that you will ever get an original thought. I guess I will just have to wait for a while.
anxiously awaiting.
ok, that scrappy stuff makes me real jealous.
oh, and the anonymous comment probably didn't actually come from someone reading your blog, its probably a spam comment ... turn on word verification and that will keep spam out at least. it will probably solve your problems.
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