if you don't stop to look around once in awhile,,, you just might miss it!!!!
Ferris said it so well, and that is totally how I feel!! We have been running 110 miles an hour for the last couple weeks, thus the BAD BLOGGER syndrome which I have contracted =(..
sorry all.. thanks for the patience!!
woke up on Mothers day as an instant mother to 3 kids. My dearest friend went out of town to look for houses so that she can ....MOVE AWAY!!. We had the priveledge of watching her two babies , ages 3 and 10.. We had a blast.. and fed them lots of sugar.. and watched Jim Carrey movies!!!... Sorry Jop... but I am sure you know by now =)/
so my friend did find a house in south GA... and she will be moving... next week!!! I am so bummed about it.. but totally excited for her. She is going to have an amazing time in the south.. and is only a couple of hours away from Disney!!. Yep, our next year's vacation is already planned =) I know that God will bless her with an abundance of wonderful friends.
less than a week ago, another one of my closest friends packed up her bags to move south... to Miami!! We're all friends and we knew the time would come that these two would get transfered due to their husbands jobs,- we just did not think it would come so soon.
i have to say, I am glad that they are both going somewhere warm...makes it real hard to visit, for sure!!
My neighbors must think I am a total nutcase because even though it rained for ten days straight, I was able to get some planting in= )
I dodged the raindrops, and managed to get over 200 annuals in the ground. and then over the weekend, I put about 100 perrenials in that my friend and I dug out of my mom's garden.
My fabulous husband surprised me on Sat by spreading a driveway full of mulch around our entire house!.. actually he just dropped the piles, and i was on my knees spreading it. I did not trust him not to bury my flowers!!!
of course just shortly after we were done, we had two more days of rain. once my babies are up again, I will take some pics.. and post!!
this is my last week "teaching" at the community care.. until the middle of June.
My focus now has turned towards VBS.. I am in charge of the 1-3 year olds. I am so excited about this!!.. I have been busy planning lessons, crafts, activites, and decor for the room.
in conjunction with VBS, a friend of mine have been working really hard on getting ready for the transformation that our children's ministy is going to have.
We are still working out the names of the rooms, and we are changing the name of our community care..
You'll have to wait til, its an approved thing, but the theme is going to be tropical...
SO FUN!!! I have been in Michaels, and Hobbly Lobby more times in the last couple weeks, my car is on auto pilot!!!....(not that it did not have a BIG clue before, HA HA HA)
My brother came in yesterday from Mesa, AZ. so we have been out and about a lot.
It is so good to have him home. his wife of 1.5 years, told him to move out in Dec... and in January, he found out that she had a "boyfriend", or something.. Now she is pregnant and planning to move to Hawaii this summer!. the papers are not completely final, but it has been extremely difficult for him... and for our family, since we are so far away.
We're all looking forward to a great visit and hopefully, guide him in some direction.
American Idol fans????? Okay, so I admit, taylor is IT.. i mean that guy is the one..
however, I do stand by my original comments that he is not an American Idol(at least the type that we have been accustomed to in the pop culture). I know he will go far.
Katherine will do fine with whatever she gets. She does have the looks. and a voice. I would have to disagree with her fashion sense, but Oh, well!!
Okay, so I am off to watch the finale of LOST!!! so stoaked about this..
if they leave us hanging.. I will be so P. O.'d!!!
Have an awesome Wednesday all my bad (in a good way) bloggin babes!!
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Friday, May 12, 2006
its raining men!!
well not actually, but it is raining something fierce in good ol Indiana!!
we're on the 3rd day of grey skies and wet grounds. makes me feel for those living in Seattle..
Hailey, I don't know how you do it!!!
not to mention I finished planting about 200 flowers just minutes before the downpour began.
my little guys are pretty much drowning now!
My fingers are crossed that they will survive!
speaking of surviving... how in the world did Katherine make the last cut?? and what was up with my boy Chris getting the boot this week on AI?
Not like any of the final 12 will be hurting for a job, but seriously that Chris had some serious talent.. not to mention looks! In my opinion, he was the total package.
My vote now goes to Elliot. his voice is good, and if he does not win AI, he could always get casted as the new Mr. Ed! (the singing Mr. Ed)
Taylor is not an idol, at least for teens...and Katherine.. well, she'll do just as well joining the cast on some Wb series.
to continue with my angst with television(public right of free speech, right?) could LOST have any more twists in it? I am thinking long term, but how long do you think this island thing will keep up? at east five seasons? I am one who hates to not know what is going on. My mind is always running away with what could be happening.. Man these writers are good. I am not looking forward to the last epi.. cuz I know they will leave us with a major cliff hanger.. and we'll have to suffer thru the entire summer!!
I just want to know, why all of those people are placed there? HOw long as the island been inhabited? Are the others good or bad? Whats the driving force?
anyone know what ever happened to that big monster thing? its been in hibernation for a while.
all I can say is this show will be winning awards.
my life is not all about tv. in fact since we got rid of HGTV and ESPN(2), it is on much much less.
sad, I know.. but now we actually are doing home and garden projects and playing sports instead of just watching others do it!!
We did have a very fun and filling Cinco De Mayo party last Friday. I am so glad for the invention of mexican food. some seriously good stuff =)
My husband has suggested many times, moving to Mexico... I am considering it.. just for the food!
We went to the INdpls Opera and slept..i mean enjoyed it thoroughly. My dad was in it , so we went as support for him. The costumes, makeup and set designs, were beyond amazing. The music was fantastic. The story line.. predictable, and well, the time frame.. about 2x, too long!!
this was only my second opera. The other one was Madame Butterfly, starring Glen Close.
I won't say, I'll never go to another one, but it is not high on my list.
another thing.. opera patrons are rather snobish.. again not my style!
well another week as flown by, as I have been forced to be cameraless. I was able to steal my mom's for a few days.. I will leave you with some cute pics of Brig.
lets just say RANDOM PHOTO FRIDAY.. for you Jill !!
brig finds his way to a mud puddle! 
and picks his first flower!
<----here is my little model, as he attempts to climb the big boy play equipment.
maybe we should not introduce potty training during his "hat" stage!!
Thanks to his friend Noah, or "no" as he calls him, brigham has developed an obsession with choo choos!
we are easing into Thomas(im not a big fan!). but this is a train my grandpa made for my brother.

we're on the 3rd day of grey skies and wet grounds. makes me feel for those living in Seattle..
Hailey, I don't know how you do it!!!
not to mention I finished planting about 200 flowers just minutes before the downpour began.
my little guys are pretty much drowning now!
My fingers are crossed that they will survive!
speaking of surviving... how in the world did Katherine make the last cut?? and what was up with my boy Chris getting the boot this week on AI?
Not like any of the final 12 will be hurting for a job, but seriously that Chris had some serious talent.. not to mention looks! In my opinion, he was the total package.
My vote now goes to Elliot. his voice is good, and if he does not win AI, he could always get casted as the new Mr. Ed! (the singing Mr. Ed)
Taylor is not an idol, at least for teens...and Katherine.. well, she'll do just as well joining the cast on some Wb series.
to continue with my angst with television(public right of free speech, right?) could LOST have any more twists in it? I am thinking long term, but how long do you think this island thing will keep up? at east five seasons? I am one who hates to not know what is going on. My mind is always running away with what could be happening.. Man these writers are good. I am not looking forward to the last epi.. cuz I know they will leave us with a major cliff hanger.. and we'll have to suffer thru the entire summer!!
I just want to know, why all of those people are placed there? HOw long as the island been inhabited? Are the others good or bad? Whats the driving force?
anyone know what ever happened to that big monster thing? its been in hibernation for a while.
all I can say is this show will be winning awards.
my life is not all about tv. in fact since we got rid of HGTV and ESPN(2), it is on much much less.
sad, I know.. but now we actually are doing home and garden projects and playing sports instead of just watching others do it!!
We did have a very fun and filling Cinco De Mayo party last Friday. I am so glad for the invention of mexican food. some seriously good stuff =)
My husband has suggested many times, moving to Mexico... I am considering it.. just for the food!
We went to the INdpls Opera and slept..i mean enjoyed it thoroughly. My dad was in it , so we went as support for him. The costumes, makeup and set designs, were beyond amazing. The music was fantastic. The story line.. predictable, and well, the time frame.. about 2x, too long!!
this was only my second opera. The other one was Madame Butterfly, starring Glen Close.
I won't say, I'll never go to another one, but it is not high on my list.
another thing.. opera patrons are rather snobish.. again not my style!
well another week as flown by, as I have been forced to be cameraless. I was able to steal my mom's for a few days.. I will leave you with some cute pics of Brig.
lets just say RANDOM PHOTO FRIDAY.. for you Jill !!

<----here is my little model, as he attempts to climb the big boy play equipment.

maybe we should not introduce potty training during his "hat" stage!!
Thanks to his friend Noah, or "no" as he calls him, brigham has developed an obsession with choo choos!
we are easing into Thomas(im not a big fan!). but this is a train my grandpa made for my brother.

here is a pic from Easter! I just got these from my mom, so I thought I'd share. I love his little outfit... my brother wore it 28 years ago!!
thanks for reading my random thoughts and peeking at my photos.
all you mamas, have an awesome day ... you all deserve the royal treatment!
Thursday, May 04, 2006
just a little bit
cuz, I just hardly have any energy.. thank goodness, tomorrow is Friday!!
this week has just been jam packed . I have had something every night.. and of course they all have involved food(yeah, not so good as we approach bathing suit season).
Last weekend we got to practice having two little ones, as we watched our friends' adorable little boy. Brigham and Dawson are only 3 months apart.. and they have so much fun together. It was so cute to see them egg each other on.. and copy one another.. completely Monkey see, Monkey Do!!
I think there is a reason you can't have kids that close together!! whew, it was a bit hard chasing them both!
after they went to bed, Andrew went out for a guy's poker night! He gets together once a month, and the stakes are fairly low, so I am not that worried. Plus, it is very good for him to be with "the guys" every once in a while.
So while I had the house to myself, I took advantage of giving myself a pedicure while watching the Day time Emmy Awards.
If my husband were home, this would not have been allowed on!!!
It was so fun, I am so amazed at how young some of these actors are. They work so hard.
My two fave soaps won a bunch of awards. My fave new character on ATWT won her first emmy... and I found out she is the daughter of Charles INgalls!! How cool would that have been?
My secret is out.. I am a house wife, that watches soaps and eats bon bons.
actually, it's bked doritos and if I miss an epi, I won't die!!
I am totally stoaked for the bloggin babes circle journal. Its so sad though, cuz once I create something, i have to send it away! i decided that I am going to do a similar one for my AAM book, so I can have the same stuff for me
and you girls have such awesome topics.. I would love to document for myself.
Can't wait to get to know you girls better! what a talented, fun, group it will be!!
and a super shout out to KAT, you rock chica, for organizing all of this!!!
Speaking of scrapping, I hav
e actually been getting some pages done!!!.
<---------just some things I am into right now.
and this is one of me and my friend Meredith->
My moms' bday was last weekend so I took her for a pampering day. It was so cool to spend some time just for us. She is in real estate, and works a really demanding schedule. She hardly ever gets time free, and when she does, she spends it watching Brigham!!
We went out to a little diner that night, and had big greasy burgers and chocolate malts!

I am still waiting on my camera, but will leave you with one of my cutie head.. can you tell he loves his PB & J!!!
this week has just been jam packed . I have had something every night.. and of course they all have involved food(yeah, not so good as we approach bathing suit season).
Last weekend we got to practice having two little ones, as we watched our friends' adorable little boy. Brigham and Dawson are only 3 months apart.. and they have so much fun together. It was so cute to see them egg each other on.. and copy one another.. completely Monkey see, Monkey Do!!
I think there is a reason you can't have kids that close together!! whew, it was a bit hard chasing them both!
after they went to bed, Andrew went out for a guy's poker night! He gets together once a month, and the stakes are fairly low, so I am not that worried. Plus, it is very good for him to be with "the guys" every once in a while.
So while I had the house to myself, I took advantage of giving myself a pedicure while watching the Day time Emmy Awards.
If my husband were home, this would not have been allowed on!!!
It was so fun, I am so amazed at how young some of these actors are. They work so hard.
My two fave soaps won a bunch of awards. My fave new character on ATWT won her first emmy... and I found out she is the daughter of Charles INgalls!! How cool would that have been?
My secret is out.. I am a house wife, that watches soaps and eats bon bons.
actually, it's bked doritos and if I miss an epi, I won't die!!
I am totally stoaked for the bloggin babes circle journal. Its so sad though, cuz once I create something, i have to send it away! i decided that I am going to do a similar one for my AAM book, so I can have the same stuff for me
and you girls have such awesome topics.. I would love to document for myself.
Can't wait to get to know you girls better! what a talented, fun, group it will be!!
and a super shout out to KAT, you rock chica, for organizing all of this!!!
Speaking of scrapping, I hav

<---------just some things I am into right now.

My moms' bday was last weekend so I took her for a pampering day. It was so cool to spend some time just for us. She is in real estate, and works a really demanding schedule. She hardly ever gets time free, and when she does, she spends it watching Brigham!!
We went out to a little diner that night, and had big greasy burgers and chocolate malts!

I am still waiting on my camera, but will leave you with one of my cutie head.. can you tell he loves his PB & J!!!
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