brigham, mama, and grandma enjoyed Purdue's homecoming festivities.
we got up real early so we could eat breakfast at grandmas tent ( she is on the alumni board for Consumer and Family Sciences) and boy did they serve some good tailgaten' food!!
Brigham got lots of loot including a glow in the dark "huf-fol" as he refers to a football!!
Here is my cautious little guy in the "George the monkey" jumpy thing.
<----------------------- and after a BIG hotdog and chips for lunch we watched the band play a little at The bell tower, and then Brigham got to hit the WORLD's LARGEST DRUM

He loved sitting in the stadium and looking for
"pete's hammer", which is what he calls our mascot Purdue Pete!!
Brigham was all decked out in his brand new sweatshirt, sporting a Pete tattoo on his cheek, and proudly hitting his "foam hammer".
The college kids could not get enough of him, and a few of the inebreated guys slapped him a high five and gave him his "touchdown tooter"!!
we're sad that daddy could not be there for his first game, but brigham did perfect a few phrases:
although that last one did not prove to help last Sat. but it sure is cute to hear this out of a two year old!!

and with football brings my favorite time of year (besides the Christmas season)
FALL is here!!! though it is a crazy 80 degrees all week, so comfy jeans and sweaters are out of the question!!
I have started w/ the fall decor around the abode..
preparing for our annual harvest party and pumpkin patch gig!!
and we found Brig's costume!! since he is totally in to George the monkey..(not curious george) though one in the same!! Brigham simply refers to his curious pal (and any other ape, gorilla, or chimp) as George the Monkey!!
photos are concluded, as said by Blogger.
Have a great day =)
he makes such a cute football fan!
yeah, i need to get out my decorations too- this weekend!
He is so cute in his little sweatshirt. 80 doesn't sound so bad, we've had 90's all week:(
awe!! such a cute little guy!!
Oh how adorable Elizabeth! He's just the sweetest lil Perdue fan:) Looks like a fun weekend.
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