Tuesday, October 24, 2006

our fall festivities are out of control!

I am sure most of you (with kids anyway) have lives similar to ours!!

We have been doing something for the last few weekends, enjoying all the gorgeous fall colors. gotta get out while we can, b/c soon the nasty, gray midwestern days will be upon us. YUCK!

We're looking forward to trick or treating this year. the first year, brig was a pea in the pod and my friend Stephanie and I took our babies, who slept in the strollers most of the time!! it was fun for us =)

then last year, Brig was one and was our little bumble bee. We were able to have a lot more fun with it. trick or treating downtown to all of the shops, and then we had a huge harvest party with about 20 families!! I don't think Brigham really got it yet!!

This year he is going to be a monkey! He is so into monkeys and he loves curious george! I am so not into characters so we found this cutest costume at Old Navy about 2 months ago!!

well we are going downtown again on Friday night. I so hope its not cold. and then we'll do the neighborhood thing with friends on Tuesday night.

Last weekend, we spent cleaning the house, planting some bulbs, and watching football.

Of course The BOILERs got crushed by Wisconsin. such an embarrassment. We went to an annual event at my friends parent's house out in the country. There was a big bounce, a hay ride, horses, lots of little games, a piniata, and a bonfire with smores. YUM.. there's nothing like them roasted over a fire!

Brigham had a great time even though he was one of the youngest kids. Its so cute to watch him try and keep up with the 4and5 year olds. They usually could care less about him, but he just smiles, and copies whatever they are doing!!

I have some really adorable pics , but I'll save them for another post.

We had our annual pumpkin patch party a few weeks ago. It was so much fun. Lots of food, and about 13 families all crowded into our house for a great time. Then we caravaned out to the pumpkin patch that included a hay ride, petting zoo, corn maze, and big bounce. not to mention the biggest sand box(gravel pit) I've ever seen. The kids loved it.

We are going to carve pumpkins tonight, if its not too cold. I am all ready craving the salty seeds! YUM...

well , thats bout it around here. have a great week =)


Anonymous said...

what cute pictures!! love the monkey!

Kat said...

such cute costumes!!!!! i love the monkey too. i can't wait to dress my baby up!!!

M.E. said...

I got that same monkey costume for my son this year! Where is the pumpkin patch you went? Sounds awesome! I'm a Purdue alum, live up in nw indiana.
Love checking out your blog!
-Mary Ellen

Anonymous said...

awwww...happy halloween!
loved seeing all the costumes and that monkey shot is devine E! xo

rev said...

o man, i'm seriously SOOO jealous we don't have any halloween in the Netherlands.... just to see those clothes, pea in a pot!! so so so cute :) Maybe i just buy it for Sanne and let her walk in it, she won't mind haha :)

Barb said...

So cute!


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