we are still recovering !!!
The week before was spent brunching with friends, cookie exchanges, dinners w/ friends, last minute gift giving, card sending, baking, and watching classic holiday movies....whew!!! Brigham LOVED making gingerbread men w/ grandma on the eve before Christmas Eve. She watched Brigham all day and night, so that Andrew and I could get prepped for the big day, and have a nice date dinner out!
We rang the bell for our church and the salvation army on Sat morning. wish my pictures were up.. Brig brought in the dough that day, as he was bundled up in the stoller and licking, I mean ringing the bell. It was not too cold, but the wind was mighty fierce. We trained him to say 'merry Christmas' to each person after they donated!! SO CUTE.
I think we were all ready for a relaxing Christmas Eve and Day spent at home!!
Andrew did a couple last minute runs on Christmas eve, but mostly we just watched the Colts get beat and other FB highlights =)
Off to church, and a fabulous service and then to the traditonal dinner at the chinese restaurant w/ grandpa.
The trend must be catching on, as three of our friends were there, and one other gathering that my dad knew from Civic shows. The food was good, we ate too much. Brigham got a fortune cookie. all was great!

seriously, how could we turn that down... on Christmas!!!
Lots of books, clothes a Diego doll, that scared the crap(literally) out of Brigham, some movies and games. You would have thought it ended here....
Wake up Christmas morning... at um...10 AM!!! yay for my sleeping kid!
he ran out to see this:ok so guess I'll do my Christmas day post another time.
getting impatient and a bit tired anyway....
hope you all had a blessed CHRISTmas with family and friends. can't wait to hear all about it =)