Friday, December 15, 2006

baby madness has begun...

yep, this is crazy. when I was pregnant two years ago with Brigham, I did not a single person who was pregant. Now with this second one, I know 17. SEVENTEEN!!!
and I am pretty good friends with 13 of them. Seriously there must be somthing in the water here in Indiana!!

So I went to the first baby shower a few weeks ago and then this past Tuesday we had a surprise shower for a friend having her fourth child.
My girls group/bible study of about ten women get together every other Tuesday night ,and do everything from a book study, to cleaning each others houses, to painting, to just hanging out!
They have started something for each new mama with her second, plus child, and that is that we get together for a diaper shower!! Its so fun and so practical, (though hard to place all the diapers and wipes). So the first one was this week and then I am hosting one for my friend the first week of January.
We have babies being born every month until the middle of July!! (and some months more than one!).

I am feeling great. Still am not really showing much unless in certain shirts. My doc said at my appt. last week, that I had only gained 4 pounds!! YAY!!
I am hoping that I only gain the baby weight, so that it comes right off!! I want to be able to enjoy this summer in the sun =)
Four more days until we can find (hopefully) find out whether we'll be using the same nursery or prepping a new one in pink!! I am totally ok with either. Just having a little one to snuggle and bundle will thrill me !!

I totally can not believe that Christamas in a week!! EEK!! I swore I would get my shopping done early this year. NOT happening-. I even braved Black Friday and got quite a bit done, but then I think I got cocky, and let the next two weeks slide by.
Actually, we have been busy with lots of get togethers and play dates that I have not wanted to hit the stores.
So tonight Andrew and I are having a date night. we are sending Brigham to his FIRST baby sitter. An adorable eleven year old girl from our church, who just loves Brigham to death. She always asks if she can go get him from the nursery. She's been asking to play with him, and Brigham just adores Kelsey too. So with help from her mom, she'll be watching him tonight, while we shop.
I am hoping to get everything done tonight, and wrapped tomorrow. and shipped out on Monday. ... a girl can dream anyway!
well, I was going to post some pics of our holidaydecor, but it'll have to wait til Monday.
have a great weekend everyone!!


Kat said...

wow, thats a lotta babies being born!!!
can't believe you've only gained 4 pounds- i'm jealous! lets just say i'm already reaching my "limit" that i was ok with gaining, and i still have two months.........
can't wait to find out what your'e having too!!!

Valerie said...

There definetly must ne something in the water in where you live!! 17 babies WOW, that's a-lot!! Hope you and you hubby had an awesome date night and Brigham had a blast with the babysitter!!


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