we're still recovering from the 3 ring circus that landed right on our doorsteps last Saturday for Brigham's 3rd birthday party!!
yep, still have balloons floating around...I've popped most of them, but out of the 60 plus that we had.. I just don't want to break his poor little heart with them all gone! amazing how much a kid and a bright colored balloon can have!!
we turned our house into a big top!!
as each child entered, they had to put on a big red clown nose.. it was a big hit!
we had a big bounce and bubbles in the front yard. balloons everywhere!
inside were streamers, and balloons and some stuffed animals(lion, tiger, elephant, horse, etc) corralled with a sign, that said 'dont feed the animals'.

we had a consession stand , which the clown, aka, my mom worked hard at serving up everyone's favorite circus treats.
we had popcorn, and cheese popcorn, jumbo soft pretzels, snow cones, and hot dogs.
bright colored licorace(which tastes horrible by the way, but looked awesome!)and of course the (nasty tasting) orange mallow circus peanuts!!
I served lemonade, water and ice tea for the adults, and the kids got those lil jugs of various fruit punches.

there were cupcakes shaped like popcorn bags.. (seriously, one of the cutes things I have ever made!.. and so EASY!!)

I made 24 cupcakes with random bright colored icing, and clowns or confetti on top.
...and of course, Brigham got his clown cake!!

it turned out super cute, even though I finished it like an hour before the party started!!.. yep, I am a procrastinator..
sent Andrew back to Wal mart 4 times to get things, I had forgotten!
and people, I started planning this party months ago!! LOL
anway, outside we had a fish pond, where the kids fished for the red crab.. out of several fish we had put in our swimming pool!
then there was the hanging monkey.. aka Curious George pinata that took a LONG time and finally Andrew's baseball bat to bust it open!!

we played pin the tale on the monkey..(adorable set that I got from Potterybarn kids),
tattoos, and a ping pong ball in the bucket toss.
all the kids had loads of fun. I had all kinds of different circus themed prized for them, like big striped lolli pops, animal figurines, circus themed coloring books, juggling balls, bubbles, etc.
needless to say, after George busted, the kids were on an extreme sugar high... and this was before cake and ice cream!! LOL

it was a perfect night.. hi 70's with a breeze. the party started at 5 pm and people were just leaving around 9-9:30p!!
everyone had a blast.. and when it was over, I sent Brigham to bed and Andrew to the liquor store!!
I was so pooped, and needed to relax. He surprised me with some new parot bay strawberry kiwi mixers.. mmmm, they were delish! but, I only had one, before, I crashed.. it had been such a long day!
so here's a pic of my two cuties decked in their circus duds.
the big clown collar.. (luckily he's too young to be embarrassed!.. and sweet T in her first Hanna Anderson dress.. thanks Steph!!)

whew!! that was a long post.. maybe thats why it takes me forever to update this thing...LOL I have no patience.. lol
well, I am going to scrap some.. have a great one all!! =)
WOW that was a long post. BUT I loved it. Loved all those pics too. Sounds like you had a fun time. What a great idea!!! You are an awesome Mom. Have a GREAT day.
OMG!!! I finally found another B-Day party NUT like myself!!! Sounds like the party was awesome!!!....I am addicted to making ever year's party better than the last....and EVERY little detail matters!!!LOL!
Those popcorn cupcakes were precious!! Way to go!!
{sure!you can add me to your list}
WOW what a party!! Looks like tons of fun!! I love those popcorn bag cupcakes too cute!!
Hi!! WOW!!! Looks like an awesome party! I also dig the big birthday parties..so much fun!
Thanks for your compliments! I guess you can tell how much we DON'T get out without our children or another list of things to do! It is funny how excited we get over paper! LOL My sister is a non-scrapper, she doesnt understand. I love your page by the way! I like the way you did the header!
what a fun party!!! loe the cupcakes :)
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