can't ya tell, she just loves her brother??? LOL
two months is not long enough to get used to her crazy mama posing her for the camera!!
(notice the home made outfit for T.. onesie with some ribbon ironed on!!)I didn't want to spend the money on something, she'd wear a total of 1 time!!
Our 4th was pretty wild..
10 am went to my moms house , met our friends and decorated bikes..
headed to mom's neigborhood park, where there was a street parade. Probably about 65 kids with decorated wagons and bikes,scooters, etc.
the fire truck was a big hit, and the kids got to climb on it.
Then after the parade, the kids could play at the park, and the local Kroger donated watermelons and popsicles!!
my cute 4th outfit for Brigham got ruined in about 2.5 mintues!!
wait a minute, his first red white and blue shorts got ruined in 1.2 seconds at home, b/c I thought he could actually wear his Thomas bigboy underwear, and of course he peed in them right away!!).. so on went the diaper!!
after the parade, we all went to my moms back yard for water fun and a cookout.Our friends' parents came into town too, so that was fun to meet them again.
Here are the kids running in the water and Brig's first time husking corn!!

we ate and ate, and survived the heat. we had fabulous hot fudge brownie sundaes!!
then we went home for naps, and off to some friends' house for a pool party/ cookout and fireworks!!
here are the kids eating with their life jackets on!!

A couple weeks ago, there was a scare with one of the kiddos falling in the pool, so now the rule is, all kids wear life vests when they are on the deck! so here they are with their clothes on too!!
We did finally get Brigham into the pool for a bit.. he still wasn't too thrilled!!
after more pool and hot tub time, we headed outside for our 'own fireworks'.
Brigham did great with the sparklers!! I was a tad uneasy about it, but, he wasn't scared, and did real well. Of course, my camera died , so no pics!! I am hoping one of the other crazy camera mamas captured one for me!!
we caravaned to the local firework display and then hung out in the big field for awhile, as the adults tried to one up each other with high school gymnastic routines!!LOL ( I DID not participate, thank you!)
It was a fun filled day, and we were all tired! brig slept in the next day until 11:30am!! It was great =)
Friday, we had playgroup at the Purdue fountains.. Do you think my little guy would get in??
NOpe, of course not..did capture his piggies getting wet though....

Saturday I spent all day running errands with Tatum.. such an easy shopper, she is!!
Brigham, not so much, so my mom watched him all day Sat, kept him the night, and then watched him most of Sunday too, so I could get some stuff done!!
SO thankful for having family in town!
well, I have a crying baby, so I better run..
hope you all have a great week!!
Sounds like tons of fun!! I love all the pictures!! The onesie is super cute!! Very creative!!
aww Elizabeth she looks so cute in her homemade onesie! such a smart thing to do! does it works for boys too :)
Holy cow, you guys stay on the go...and with a little, little baby and toddler..you guys are superpeople--I bet you were exhausted! I can only handle like one or two things in a day..lol..cute pics..that first one is so funny..and so typical...love your idea of putting the ribbon on the onesie! and happy late anniversary..I remember those care free days too..lol...
AWE your kids are so cute. Sounds like you all had a VERY fun time! So glad to see some new pics up on here! Have a GREAT day. Stay cool.
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