- the ice cream truck came to our house

- we went with our friends Greg and Kelli to the Indiana State fair last Thursday.. it was super duper hot.. (we left the kiddos at home) and we pigged out on all kinds of yummy fair food. seriously, I have never seen so much fried stuff at one time.. LOL
we tried the fried snickers bar.. MMMMM. I was a tad intrigued to try the deep fried pepsi balls.... yep, ALMOST!
who comes up with these things???
and after being at the fair all afternoon we cooled off and rocked out to this guy.
WOW.. was he good. I did not know he was such a rocker. huge light show and everything.
casting crowns opened up for Jeremy. I had never heard them before. Now I am hooked. Came home and ripped their first two albums, and then went to our local christian bookstore and pre-ordered their new release.. AND got a free t-shirt. WHOO HOO!
-my grandparents came to visit from Georgia. I felt so bad for them , that they left their extremely hot weather just come to IN for ridiculously hot, and humid weather.
seeminly like 105 degrees! and people my g-parents are 86 and 87 years old!!
my grandma loved on my kids.. it was so sweet. pictures to come. =)
-we went to a bday party and I did the cake.

so fun, and it turned out really cute. the bday girl LOVED her cake =)

I'm thinking of starting a cake biz. hmmmmm. we'll see!
- here is my little caterpillar. he got a caterpillar cape and antenna to wear and then goodie bags filled with bullfrogs and butterflies.. (and caterpillar) stuff.
I think I have lost my little boy, and he metamorphased to a many legged fuzzy little caterpillar.pretty darn cute though!! LOl

-and I have been scrapping. Its been so fun. I think I am in a groove. I posted them on 2peas.. *ELIZABETH*.. go check them out.. one of these days I'll post them here =)
- I have really been feeling blessed lately.
here is my lil family:

- finally got new flooring last week in the entry, dining and kitchen. I LOVE it!!!
(we went with tile instead of the wood laminate, and I am so happy!!)

-and we picked up this cute lamp at Lowes on the clearance cart (only 25 bucks) and put it over the kitchen sink.

- and I am so thankful for my ultra talented friend Jennifer. look what she did with my sweet baby..
today we had Brigham's preschool teachers over for their home visit. Of course he was way high strung.. its a good thing they know him already, otherwise the kid would have scared them off.. lol
he picked his name tag.. they took his picture to go in his cubby. He had a blank look on his face, so I asked him if he knew what a cubby was.. he said.. A BEAR!!!
so funny.
he also told them that his favorite food was apples. not sure where he got that!!!
he only gets them with his happy meal .. LOL
Friday night I have a women's back to school kick off at church. should be fun. my friend is leading the worship. and she ROCKS.
Saturday ,Andrew has his fantasy football draft and then poker night. I think I'll go shopping =)
------ hope you're all having a super week!!-----------
Thanks!!!! Awesome cake ! If you lived near by, I'd get ya to do mine! I tried my hand at decorating cakes, I wasn't THAT bad, but i realized it was ALOT of work and I'd rather let someone else do it! LOL Love looking at your blog! You have such a sweet family!
wow, you are the cake master! that is an awesome butterfly cake!!!!
ok, so for some reason i can only get to your blog when you comment on mine. the link attached to my fabu blog? doesn't work. how weird. i'm sure its something easy, but i haven't had the time to figure it out.
ok- you kids are too cute! i love the family pic, and the ones of your daughter are adorable!!! i love the bow (i'm jealous she has enough hair to put them in!!!) and the pics of her in the cup!
Love your cake!! That's amazing!! WOW!! I never knew the preschool teachers came to visit their students at their house!! Cool!! I love fried Mars bars, they SO good!! YUM!! I'll let you know about my Stampin'Up website!!
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