Monday, September 24, 2007

holy moly !!!

It has been two weeks since I last posted on this thing!!!

We're into full schedules, except Wednesdays, where we don't have anything and anywhere we have to be... so we usually sleep in, and then have a playdate or a lunchdate with friends.

Last week, I watched a little boy , Brigham's age, so that his mom and new baby of 2 weeks old, get have some peace and quiet!! The boys played beautifully together, and actually, I always manage to get more done, while Brigham has friends over, plus it tires him out, and he sleeps reeeeeely well =) gotta love that!

Brigham is loving pre-school. He is doing very well. The teacher even came down to my bible study room, last Thursday to tell me how he is recognizing the other children's names on the nametags, and how he really knows phonics. yep, my kid is a nerd. throw him in the middle of a toy store, and he'll find a book, and completely zone out to anything else!!
Ok, I am exaggerating , just a tad, but seriously , the boy loves to read and write. He is spelling and writing out his name, and mommy and daddy, and grandma, and grandpa and Tatum.

He is always sooo proud, when he has written something. even though it ususally takes the entire page to write a word...(maybe thats why kindergarten paper has those BIG ol' lines???? )

anway, he's having fun, and we're excited that he is doing so well.

oh, and he is not a complete nerd.. he does have great social skills too, and the teacher says he always compliments the other kids on the coloring. He is very thoughtful, and plays really well with others. OHHHHHH the social aspect...good at times, and then at other times ... not so much.

like yesterday, when we were at church for Tatum's baptism.

He looked all dapper in his seer sucker striped suit and little saddle shoes.

He was very proud to be up there on stage with his little sister. Perhaps a bit too much.

He talked, and talked, and squirmed... and yelled out to my cousin, sitting in the second pew.

And then said hi repeatedly to his little friend Isabelle, (whose brother born 6 weeks after Tatum was getting baptised as well).

In our pictures you can definately tell, Andrew's and I's frustration with Brigham.

We scooted out of church after the ceremony so we could get home to cook. We were having 35 people over to celebrate with us, and I had to get the casseroles and stuff in the oven.

I know we shouldn't have gotten so mad at Brigham, and especially, after everyone said how cute he was, and how they didn't hear a thing....

so needless to say, mommy and daddy were doing some serious apologizing and giving hugs and kisses (and a few pieces of chocolate) to our sweet little guy that night.

Well the guest of honor slept thru most of our celebration brunch, which was fine, b/c there were so many kids running around causing mahem, and it was nice to be able to sit and chat with our friends and family. I was so glad that my grandma, aunt and cousin were able to make it. Family is becoming more and more important to me as I get older.
Here is Tatum in her gown.. that her brother wore, and that I wore. My grandma on my mom's side made it for me 32 years ago... still so sweet and precious..

And last night, Andrew tried doing a photo shoot of me and the kids. I have a 'motherhood' page all worked up in my head...
Ya know you're a true scrapbooker, when you take the pictures just so you can do a page!! LOL
last night we went out for dinner and since we were across town, and I had my camera, I made Andrew drive me past some different storefronts, so I could snap pics of the signs!!
I have been wanting to do a page for Brig's book, on 'the places we go'.
Just got the latest kit from scrapbook obsessions and it is so gorgeous.... I am going to a crop til you drop this weekend, so I'm psyched to get a TON done!
Well, I hope you are all having a great start to the week. I hope to post some of my recent pages on my next post.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

check out my little guy...

all ready for his first day of preschool!!

seriously, is he not adorable??? ok, I know he's mine and everything, but I just want to eat him up!! with his cool new shades , which he just had to wear because they were BA-LOOO and he was wearing a BA-LOOOO shirt.. LOL(that is how he says blue.. no exageration!) His little backpack is just the cutest thing that I had my eye on like two years ago... just awaiting this day.

The brand is Stephen Joseph and they have a ton of cute designs for boys and girls. I thought this one would match more of his shirts... and his coats. I know I am a tad rediculous. but hey, thats me!

So Andrew left work for a bit on Tuesday , so he could meet us at school and walk in with us. Brigham was so excited and like I said earlier, he could have cared less when we said good bye to him! guess thats a good thing, b/c I have friends that practically had to pry off their kids from tugging on their legs. I think that would have broken my heart, so I am glad that he was happy to go right in.

He wanted to go back on Thursday, so I guess he likes it!! lol.. can't get him to talk a whole lot about what goes on.. I am so wishing I was a fly on the wall!! =)

So I started my new fall bible study last week too... its a Beth Moore( and if you have never taken a study by her, I would highly recommend it.. she ROCKS!!) This is my 5th one in a row, and I am completely hooked! this one , is actually the first one she ever wrote, but it has been re done and is on the old testament.. and all about a woman's heart.

I can't wait to see how I will grow in the next 10 weeks!

Hubby is gone this weekend to Detroit. he just had to go up there to cross off the Tiger's stadium off his list of the MBl ball parks that he has to visit.

I'm willing to go to some, b/c I do love me a baseball game. but drive 10 hours for a 3 hour game. no thanks.

so he'll be driving home about 3am, and I am trying to get stuff done while he's gone.

My mom and I had a girls night out last night with Tatum in our downtown. About 3 times a year they have a gallery walk, and most of the stores stay open late, and there is music and dancing in the streets, and wine and cheese and sweets, and stuff. So it was a good time.

I got a few little fall decor things, which is totally putting me in the mood to decorate the house.

I bought some mums too , so I am hoping to pot them tomorrow.

Anybody , else nutzo like me and can't put holiday stuff out , unless the house is clean?? So, thats what I tried to do tonight, so I can put out my fall stuff tomorrow.

Last week I got hit with several magazines, and I am just so ready for fall fashions, fall foods, fall scents, fall colors. I love it all !

So I have to really budget my self too, b/c of these that found their way to my doorstep:I have not bought more than a handful of outfits for Tatum, since we were so incredibly blessed by friends, and family.. but it is so hard not to when these little girl clothes are just so precious!

Actually I have not bought many things for Brigham either, in his 3 years. Guess it thats one of the perks of having family close by. Each season, his closet gets stocked. I found a few boy things in here that I am going to have a hard time passing up too.

so I am hoping to earn some big money at my open house in a couple weeks.

check out SILPADA DESIGNS for some awesome new fall jewelry =)

Well, guess I better call it a night. I have to finish baking my cakes for Monday.

its our first meeting for MOPS, and since the theme includes a butterfly, I volunteered to make 4 of them.I am hoping the decorating goes well tomorrow and that the transit to the church is smooth!

wish me luck.

hope you are all having a good weekend.

oh, yeah.. go COLTS.. and go BOILERS!!

(gotta love the start of football season =)

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

has it really been two weeks??

since my last post???
seriously, how can this be? I am on my computer every day.. multiple times a day... so how is it that I can't get a post done? Anybody else feel like the thought of taking the time to blog..wait..take that back... to post on your OWN blog.. is just so overwhelming?
I LOVE to browse other people's blogs, and frankly, I get sucked in , for many minutes at a time, on the ol' web. the thought about actually sitting down, to write about my own life, seems like such a task!!
well, I am hoping this is about to change..I am hoping to be more focused. Not because our schedules are becoming nil, but in fact they are just getting more hectic.
This my friends, is where the 'old me' ,- "the organized, good with time management' me" has to re-appear =)

I took Brigham to his FIRST day of preschool today!! Ahhh, he was so proud of his new backpack, and his cubby.He was so excited on the way there.seriously, it was so cute. Do ya think he would give mom or dad a hug before we left.. NOPE, this kid could care less if we were gone. He was well in to many activites of coloring, puzzles, computer.. all in about 10 minutes!
Proud papa took the camera to work to show his buddies, so I'll have to post the pics later. However,
Here is a pic of my cutie head. this was his 3 year old picture taken in July. I can't believe how grown up he is getting.. sniff sniff.

So , I guess its a good thing I have one of these... isn't she cute. Ok, I am biased, but I totally think this is the sweetest picture ever! My friend Jennifer took like 400 for her 3 month shoot. I can NOT wait to start scrapping them!!

(you can see more of Tatum's baby shoot if you click on Jennifer's link to the right)

We had a funfilled weekend and boy am I in need of a nap this afternoon!!
We had dinner with friends on Friday night.. it was a mexican theme and we played mexican train dominoes. very fun game, that we had not ever played before!
Saturday, we did tons of yard work and then went to dinner with friends. of course these are our friends, where every dinner out is followed by ice cream. So we hit the DQ. the kids ran around the patio, and we talked for ever. The weather was so nice, almost needed light jackets. I just love the fall weather on the horizon!

Our little babies had to wrapped up in blankets, so their piggies didn't freeze!!
speaking of I just orderd the CUTEST little socks for Tatum. I'll have to share what they look like when the package arrives!
Sunday we went to the Morman church. However we had to leave after the first service, b/c Brigham peed his pants, and we had no other clothes. lovely.
We will have our 5th meeting with the Morman missionaries this week.
its going really well.
I'd love to share with you about this.. but please email me at
if you want to know more or have any questions. =)

Yesterday, we(ok, I) organized a big labor day picnic at the park. It was so much fun! We had over 30 friends from our church there, and lots of kids. Besides the park equipment, we brought lots of other games, etc for the kids. I was so amazed that there was not one fight!

everyone had so much fun!!

several of the Man-boys created a frisbee golf course in the open field.
we had some really yummy food. Thanks to everyone who shared food, and for our hired grillmaster!! LOL
A few of the kids started preschool also today, so we were all hopeful that after a few hours of running around, they would be tired enough to sleep well!
Brigham did crash, and got up rather easily this morning. we all made it out the door. IN TIME!! praise the Lord!! LOL
like I said , I think the schedule thing will be good, when I got home from dropping him off, I was able to check emails, check the 2peas gallery, read some scripture, and clean the dining room and kitchen.YAY!!!
now if I could just sqeeze in exercise in too, I'd be happy.
I can't wait to hear how his first day went.
hope you all are having a great start to the week!


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