all ready for his first day of preschool!!
seriously, is he not adorable??? ok, I know he's mine and everything, but I just want to eat him up!! with his cool new shades , which he just had to wear because they were BA-LOOO and he was wearing a BA-LOOOO shirt.. LOL(that is how he says blue.. no exageration!) His little backpack is just the cutest thing that I had my eye on like two years ago... just awaiting this day.

The brand is Stephen Joseph and they have a ton of cute designs for boys and girls. I thought this one would match more of his shirts... and his coats. I know I am a tad rediculous. but hey, thats me!
So Andrew left work for a bit on Tuesday , so he could meet us at school and walk in with us. Brigham was so excited and like I said earlier, he could have cared less when we said good bye to him! guess thats a good thing, b/c I have friends that practically had to pry off their kids from tugging on their legs. I think that would have broken my heart, so I am glad that he was happy to go right in.
He wanted to go back on Thursday, so I guess he likes it!! lol.. can't get him to talk a whole lot about what goes on.. I am so wishing I was a fly on the wall!! =)
So I started my new fall bible study last week too... its a Beth Moore( and if you have never taken a study by her, I would highly recommend it.. she ROCKS!!) This is my 5th one in a row, and I am completely hooked! this one , is actually the first one she ever wrote, but it has been re done and is on the old testament.. and all about a woman's heart.
I can't wait to see how I will grow in the next 10 weeks!
Hubby is gone this weekend to Detroit. he just had to go up there to cross off the Tiger's stadium off his list of the MBl ball parks that he has to visit.
I'm willing to go to some, b/c I do love me a baseball game. but drive 10 hours for a 3 hour game. no thanks.
so he'll be driving home about 3am, and I am trying to get stuff done while he's gone.
My mom and I had a girls night out last night with Tatum in our downtown. About 3 times a year they have a gallery walk, and most of the stores stay open late, and there is music and dancing in the streets, and wine and cheese and sweets, and stuff. So it was a good time.
I got a few little fall decor things, which is totally putting me in the mood to decorate the house.
I bought some mums too , so I am hoping to pot them tomorrow.
Anybody , else nutzo like me and can't put holiday stuff out , unless the house is clean?? So, thats what I tried to do tonight, so I can put out my fall stuff tomorrow.
Last week I got hit with several magazines, and I am just so ready for fall fashions, fall foods, fall scents, fall colors. I love it all !
So I have to really budget my self too, b/c of these that found their way to my doorstep:
I have not bought more than a handful of outfits for Tatum, since we were so incredibly blessed by friends, and family.. but it is so hard not to when these little girl clothes are just so precious!

Actually I have not bought many things for Brigham either, in his 3 years. Guess it thats one of the perks of having family close by. Each season, his closet gets stocked. I found a few boy things in here that I am going to have a hard time passing up too.
so I am hoping to earn some big money at my open house in a couple weeks.
check out SILPADA DESIGNS for some awesome new fall jewelry =)
Well, guess I better call it a night. I have to finish baking my cakes for Monday.
its our first meeting for MOPS, and since the theme includes a butterfly, I volunteered to make 4 of them.I am hoping the decorating goes well tomorrow and that the transit to the church is smooth!
wish me luck.
hope you are all having a good weekend.
oh, yeah.. go COLTS.. and go BOILERS!!
(gotta love the start of football season =)

Hey girl! I'm SO sorry I'm just getting back to you. I've just been swamped lately. Anyways, you can go to my web-site and go to the 'join me' section to learn more about being a consultant. The products are great. You'll love it!
Actually, when you go to the join me section, you'll fill out some information and they will send you the info on how everything works. It's really inexpensive to get started...I think like $35 for the consultant kit! Let me know if you have questions, I'll try to help. I was a consultant about 2 years ago and just really didn't have time to do it right. They have really improved alot and changed alot, so I'm kinda re-learning everything too!
Well, I've gotta know how the first day of preschool went!? Keep me posted!
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