OH, my goodness, I can hardly believe that my little baby girl is five months old!!

I don't remember the time going by this fast with Brigham. Maybe b/c I have two. We are always on the go.(though I feel like I did much more with just the one kid). People always say that children grow up so fast.. but in Brigham's short 3 years, we have done sooo much, grown so much, as a family, as a couple(me and Andrew), in our spiritual lives, with our extended family, with our friends. It really seems like soo much more time has gone by. And when I think about the fact that there will be another three years before Brigham is in school, it seems so far off!
Guess, thats why one keeps having babies.. to keep us young and energized. yeah, I'm almost thinking about another...almost. actually, Andrew and I came up with our name for a boy the other night.its totally secured... so we'll have to wait and see. 

for now, I am having the time of my life with my cutie pie. she is all smiles right now. laughing out loud. rolling all over the place. belly 'surfing'. loving her activity mat. and her big brother. she can't get enough of him. seriously, its so adorable.

Brigham went on his
first field trip to a farm on Tuesday. Actually it was just a big pole barn with several stations and we took our turn at each one. Each kid had a little booklet that they could stamped at each station if they answered the question about that animal.. like what is baby chicken called, what is a mommy cow called.. etc.

not many 3 year olds answered , but they got their stamps anyway. I think Brigham's high light was the snack at the end. The kid LOVES his snacks!
That is always the first thing he asks about when I pick him up each day.. he runs to his cubby to make sure no one took it!
BTW, he is the only kid, that even has left over snack.. guess he talks to much during snack time.
I have no idea where he gets that. =)
and I did my first paid cake gig!! Last Saturday, I made this one for a friend's little boy turning one.
I am doing another one this weekend for a friend's six year old.
I had no idea that this would take off like it did, but I have 4 cakes to do this month. I haven't even gotten my flyers out or gotten my business cards back yet! whoo hoo, I am having so much fun with it.
Going to start a class in November, at Michaels to learn how to work with fondant. I can't wait.
I hear a not so smiley-at-the- moment little girl needing her mama!
hope you're having a great week!
Such cute photos!!!! Congrats on the cake "gigs"! That cake is Super Cute too!!
Oh yeah.....you've been tagged!!
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