tribute to this man and the welcoming him into the thirtysomething club-

We went to dinner with our awesome friends Greg and Kelli. Went to this fabulously nice restaurant in our town(we only have 2 or 3!).It was one of those nice, leisurally dinners, that took about 2 hours of great conversation, lots of laughs, good drinks, good food , good company.
We were celebrating Andrew' s big 30th birthday!!
Little did he know that more fun was yet to come.... we decided to go for drinks at this Irish Pub. I so knew it would NOT be hard to get him to go. and so when we arrived at the bar,
I had reserved a cozy corner and 20-25 of his friends were waiting there to congratute the old man!
I can't believe I pulled it off.. Andrew said he had thought I might do something b/c he threw me a big suprise party for my 31st(yeah, I was a year late...totally suprised me!!LOL).
Then when I asked him a couple weeks before about a quiet dinner with our closest friends at the Hour Time, he figured, I hadn't done anything... but was ok with it.
So, he totally didn't have a clue!! 

I made him this cake too. I baked it Thursday night at my moms(after a mom's night out) so he didn't know about it.. then went back over to my mom's on Friday day to decorate it!
I so thought that a 3 year old jabbermouth was going to spill the beans.. but he never mentioned it!!
Andrew is a HUGE broncho fan.. so that was the theme for the night...although I asked my dad to bring orange,blue, and white balloons ahead of time to the bar.. and well, he brought yellow, blue and we pretended they were for the Denver Nuggets(basketball)!!LOL

anyway, it was a great time and we started out the evening with our friends, and we finished it off around 2 am with a late night snack at Qdobas.
Funny how after a night of drinking, you're always hungry for a meal.. yet at home, you'd never wake up in the middle of the night to eat like that!!
...luckily we got to sleep in, because my mom had the kids. and thank goodness the smoking band was in effect, because we didn't wake up with the stinch of stale cigarettes in our hair!! YUCK!!!. and to think we both smoked during our college and pre Brigham days...
so yes, Tatum had her first night away from us!! I am not one of those moms that worries, because, she stayed at my moms, and I am pretty sure my mom knows how to handle a baby. and if not, big brother was there to help out!! LOl
Mom, said she woke once in the middle of the night, drank a bit from the bottle and went right back to sleep. Basically she slept from 8 pm to 7 am!!
sure wish she would do that for us!! we've been digressing in the sleeping thru the night department.. UGH!!
but the potty training is coming along great.. no more diapers..just pullups, and no accidents except for #2..
I've got more pics from the party to edit, and we also had our family photo shoot on Saturday.
we got a few shots in for Tatums 6 month shoot, but then she got really tired, so we're trying again in a couple days.
Hope you all had a great weekend!!!
Hey Girl! Congrats on pulling off the surprise!! Looks like ya'll had a ton of fun!
Hmmmm I had to giggle when I looked at the picture of where Andrew has his hand. NOW it might not be on there, but it sure looks like it! Men! Ha! =D
Sounds like you had a fun time. I got my hubby for his 40th. Yeah we are old folks. We went out for dinner with friends and then I had a house full of friends waiting our place when we got back.
Isn't it awesome when you Mother can watch the kids? My Mom did it for us all the time too. I could be doing the same thing in a few years now that Tara is engaged. My how time flies! :)
Happy Birthday Andrew! May the Lord bless you with many more!
Great job on pulling off the surprise!! Looks like you all had a great time!! Tell Andrew "welcome to the club!! It sux to be a member, but's better than the 40-something club!!!"LOL
YAY!! For pulling off the surprise!! Doesn't it feel great?! I did it too for my hubby and he was completely surprised!! Love the pics!!
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