the warm temps and sunny skies finally made there way to Indiana!
We've been out enjoying parks, bike rides, walks, cook outs, gardening, frisbee golf, hanging out with friends and family.
LOVE it.
Last Friday night I went to a friends house to scrap. I loaded all my stuff, set it all up, and we proceeded to talk until 2am! and you guessed it , hardly any scrapping got done!
I actually brought 6-7 pages that I had completed at home, and then typed up the journaling, and added it there. So, it least I came home with some 'finished pages'!! LOL
Saturday, I went with my mom to the nursery to buy flowers. AHHHH. I get all giddy in the greenhouses. I think once my kids are grown, I want to spend my summers working in one! It just smells like heaven.. I don't even mind getting dirty, b/c there's always a good tan along with it!! LOL
I got 3 flats plus a bunch of 4 inch pots, so I was super busy trying to get them in before the forecasted rain!
Sunday, we had an awesome church service. seriously, each week is sooo incredibly moving. I cry almost every week, since we've been at this new place.
came home and made a trifle in red, white and blue, berries, and also a double layer sourcream choc mouse cake that totally flopped right off the cake stand! it was a mess, and I can't believe I actually took it to our Lifegroup picnick.... but it tasted great!
so we went to our friends for a Day-before- memorial -day get together.. and it was a lot of fun.
Cept after we were there about 25 minutes, I got a call from my dad, telling me that my grandpa had died.
So sad. we had kinda been prepared as, he went into the hospital 2 months ago, and had been in a nursing home since.. my dad had gone down Saturday, and came back saying that the drs didn't think he'd have made it thru Friday night... so there was some good improvements.
I think I was wishfully praying and thinking a miracle would extend his life for a little while more.
anway. I got a tad emotional, and ended up leaving the party.. just not into being social.
came home, put T to bed, and then scrapped 3 pages!!
We went to a cookout at my brothers on Monday, Brigham had a blast with all the drunken corn hole players!!
it was quite amusing.
been weeding the heck out of my garden and watering it a bunch b/c we never got the rain.... I feel so bad for those who got hit with all those storms. that is just about my worst fear. I just don't understand why God brings tornadoes to us. such devestation... how can that be for good?
today was the funeral for my gpa..(which is really my grandma's second husband).. my real grandpa dies 7 years ago and then my grandma remarried this wonderful man right before her 80th birthday!!
she has been treated like a queen for the past 6 years! I am so glad she had this time with such a caring and devoted man.
She actually married my grandpas cousin. they had both lost their spouses of nearly fifty years.. and so they really had a nice companionship for these last several years.
We were planning on going to the funeral up until late last night, and decided that the 6 hours of drivng(bothways) and gas prices, and the two little ones would not be the best idea.
I was really torn about it.. but feel we did what was best for us now. My grandpa totally understood.. and we're actually going to be down there next weekend... so we'll get some good quality time with her. My dad says she is doing pretty well. Its still sad though.
got me thinking all about death, and eternity and stuff like that. how do you know for sure? I could drive myself(and others around me) insane trying to figure it out.
guess thats why I need to just trust... and have faith.
ok, so my husband is yelling at me... LOST is starting.. season finale... WHOOOOO HOO! its going to be awesome... and then I just know I'll be so pissed trying to figure out what the heck is going on, and then I have to wait til next season!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
the consequences of blogging
so yesterday, after our play date, and after loads of laundry(who am I kidding.. I sorted the dirty stuff, and put one load in) the kids went down for naps.
Brigham is in to negotiating his actual sleeping time, and tends to be up for any number of reasons, and also manage to pull every book off his shelf and surround himself with them, in hopes that reading will detract from his sleeping.
Tatum, my gem, went right to sleep.
I took full advantage of my quiet time, and caught up on blogs... some time had gone by.. Tatum had awakened, but was just entertaining herself in her crib.... and Brigham was in and out of the office 548 times as I continued to reassure him that it was in fact OK to go watch clifford.(and not sleep).
So as I was deeply engrosed in LISA's banterings, I could hear , but tried to tune out , Tatum's jabbering as it turned into whining.
Suddenly I hear this:
"Mommy, Tatum's hands are all messy"
Yep. you guessed it. I walked in to my sweet lil girls nursery and about fell over from the fumes.
its kinda faint, and just in the corners of her mouth. but its there just the same.
and since I knew the toxic amounts that she had probly ingested still had some nutritional value.. I didn't think it could get any worse.. and so like any scrapbooker would.
The sheets were off, due to some excess leakage from the nose the day before.
thankfully, this made for easier clean up today.
poor dolly.. had to have a bath along with my sweet baby girl.
and all the while... they both never stopped smiling!!
hope your day was less of a stinker than mine.
Idol.... whoa.... which Dave will it be? My votes sill for DC. He just melts me.
been scrapping a lot lately too, and if I figure out my new scanner/printer, I'll post some I need to get them up for some other sites too.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
fun was bloomin all around us

one of the uber cute cookies!
grandma and the birthday girl

two out of three cakes. the lady bug was little missy's. I had an adorable pink and yellow flower too, but somehow it missed the picture natzi. =(
I had the entire fence around our back yard adorned in these paper flowers!
(colored water in bottles, with tissue paper wings and pipe cleaner antennae)

Brigham pinning the lady bug on the flower
some garden decor....

the m &ms in the vase were such a tease !!

peanutbutter and jelly for the kids

bee,butterfly,and caterpillar grams w/ yummy dip

caterpillers, of course!

ants on a log
pinwheel sandwiches that became snails with an olive head

the birthday girl on her actual day. went to lunch with grandma, and uncle monkey. the hat stayed on for about 1.32 seconds!!LOL
she got lots of 'girly' things from grandma... all of pink, of course!! LOL
she got cleaned up and opened so many cute, cute things. we are so blessed to have family and friends who love and support our little T !!!
and even a birthday girl can cry if she wants to......
she got cleaned up and opened so many cute, cute things. we are so blessed to have family and friends who love and support our little T !!!
and even a birthday girl can cry if she wants to......

Friday, May 09, 2008
look who's ONE !!!

so i tried to post this cute lil photo timeline of the last year... but after nearly an hour... and blogger STILLL wouldn't cooperate..... I decided to just do this sweet and simple one.

HAppy BIrthday my sweet baby girl Tatum. What an amazing blessing you have been in our lives this last year. We are so grateful that God chose you to be in our family.!!
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