( the wall in my lr that I still can't figure out what images /display collage I want up).. but THIS one will be there...lol

and though these pictures don't document it.. Beckham is such a happy baby. almost always smiling and he is belly laughing quite a lot. He has just found his *deep* baby man voice, and uses it all the time. He is decided that sleeping thru the night is over rated and about a week ago, has been up 2x a night. joy. He is a big boy, not sure his stats yet.. but as my mentor mom said to me on Tuesday "oh, my kids had big heads too... " !! yep. he does. it is all in proportion, but he does have a perfectly round.. Charlie Brown kinda noggin going on. Beck is wearing some 6 month clothes already, and I am hoping that I didn't miss my window on the tons of 3-6 mos outfits that his older brother wore (at 6-9mos)

So glad I did have our family session finished, because ever since we returned from our trip , it has been a whirlwind of activity around here. Trying to get in as many photo sessions in as we can before the leaves fall off.. and pretty IN becomes , blah. nasty. gray IN.
I just have to get our card design decided soon, so I can forget about that and start working on stuff for clients. That is always more fun for me anyway .. I love new faces =)
Still need to edit the pics from Brigham's first field trip last Thursday. I went with his class to the pumpkin patch and took my little p/s camera (it was calling for major rain, and I was not about to risk rain on my heft lens!) If nothing else I got some great pics to scrap up.
Luckily, the weather was fantastic, and not until we are all in our cars(the parents) and the kids were on the bus, that it started to drizzle. THANK YOU GOD!
Its been so busy, that we have yet to even turn our little pumpkin dudes in to jack. Hoping to get to it tonight.. after the BOO at the ZOO. our local little zoo, puts this thing on and State Farm sponsors it. My mom took Brigham last year and he loved it! full of all kinds of creepy crawly stuff.
She took the kids minus Beck to a local church's trunk or treat last night while we had our lifegroup celebration dinner. They loved it. and I have been enjoying their candy all day today
I . Love. Halloween. (for that reason)
so there is a quick catch up on what we're doing... we're heading into another busy weekend. still need to blog about our trip and I'll put more of Beck's pics and our fall festivities up soon.
enjoy the last few days of October!!