we have been busy , busy around here. Home projects(will share when finally finished) and photo sessions(see my photog site as, I update), play dates, life group- RESET, church projects(hope to share more about this soon), hanging out with family ... and a week long trip to Colorado!! have been keeping us busy, so my blog has sorta suffered because of that =(....
but I figured as I recoup from our trip(we got in yesterday evening), and spend the day with unpacking and laundry, and cleaning the house(how does a house get dirty, with nobody in it?)
I'll go ahead and do a quick update of Purdue 's homecoming two weekends ago.
this score started out hopeful, but of course, we're talking Boilermakers, so they always manage to screw it up somehow.. lol.. SO of course we lost to a team that we definitely SHOULD have beat.
But we had fun anyway. and looked cute doing it !! It was pretty chilly, but the kids never stopped moving as we went around to various tailgates with our friends. Always love tailgate food. seriously, I think I am going to host a tailgate party like in March... or maybe June. anyone wanna come?

Brigham showing off his (non) coordination skills playing FB with some of the kids !
We have a tradition of going to homecoming with Grandma each year. She always works the booths since she is on the alumni board of CFS(consumer &family sciences), and so we usually meet her at the tent for some yummy food. This year, we stayed at the tailgates, and met up with her at game time. We sat in the end zone and Brigham and Andrew got to use my dad's season tickets at the 30 yrd line about 12 rows up.
Tatum loving the pop-pop(as she calls it)!
see how well, Beckham enjoyed his first college football game?
and right before we left, I pulled out all my decor, and fall-di-fied my house a bit.
this guy guards our front porch. don't let his smile fool ya!
I got the Pier 1 flyer in the mail as we were leaving town last week(andrew was tired of hearing me oooooh and ahhhh over things)... I will be heading there tomorrow for some fun new additions to my October make over.
Brigham showing off his (non) coordination skills playing FB with some of the kids !
It ended up being kinda cold on my behind (didn't have my seat warmer!)and I needed to feed Beck, so I took Tatum back to the van and we sat in the warmness listening to the HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE, second half.
Tatum loving the pop-pop(as she calls it)!
and right before we left, I pulled out all my decor, and fall-di-fied my house a bit.
this guy guards our front porch. don't let his smile fool ya!
I got the Pier 1 flyer in the mail as we were leaving town last week(andrew was tired of hearing me oooooh and ahhhh over things)... I will be heading there tomorrow for some fun new additions to my October make over.
and of course, Hobby Lobby, since their stuff is already half off.
Target dollar spot last year.
it makes eating so much more fun!!
and, so now, I am off to check on the laundry and get something started for dinner .. which will likely be pb and j (oh, wait there is no bread).. so maybe mac n' cheese(thankfully, my mom put a new gallon of milk in the fridge).. since we have nuthin' in the house.
We also have Brigham's parent/teacher conference this afternoon. So interested to see what she has to say about the little booger.
I'll try and get thru our trip pictures and hopefully post some tomorrow. =)
yay!! i've missed your posts. :) tatum is absolutely adorable, but you already know this. can't wait for the fall festivities on sunday! :)
What is up with Purdue!! At least your kids arelookin' cute for the games . . . perhaps they're the best part huh?!? I love the fall decor too and yes i think I need to invest in a few more things as well!!! Happy decorating!
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