So yeah... my last post was prior to our
whirlwind busy, busy weekend... and now we're catching our breath on the other side!
We enjoyed a breeze blasting soccer game at noon. Bummer about this sport is that its either cold/wet/windy whether its being played in spring or fall.. but at the rate we (um , Brig) is going.. we may not be seeing another season!!
Have to keep reminding ourselves that he IS only five. AND that he is there to have fun. But seriously, its amazing to us, how many kids(mostly NOT on our team..
lol) totally get the game. and are competitive. Brigham's coach rotates the kids so they can play every position and they all get equal playing time. That is good for teaching.. but after awhile, we thought perhaps Brig's turn at goalie should have been cut short. Um.. he didn't get it at all.. and the poor kid let 4 goals go right
thru. .. and so we're working on it.. and making sure he is having fun. which he OBVIOUSLY is... because tonight at practice, the coach yells across the field "hey , Brigham, you need to stop watching Dancing With the Stars and start watching some soccer!". ouch.
My first born son, who was totally content to sit on a blanket for hours.. did not even crawl until after his first
bday.. didn't walk until 18 months.. etc, etc... now
apparently has ants in his pants and can not control himself on the field.
thank goodness we don't have this problem in the classroom.At
any rate, the kid loves dying to get to practice and games. ... (he just has NO clue what is going on during them..
Part of our weekend then included the Boilermaker Spring Football game. The kids loved it and the weather was beautiful.. we all get a little color (sunburn) on our faces!! Brigham has decided that he is going to play football in the fall. Dad is really encouraging this , because thankfully in this sport there all kinds of positions.. you don't
HAVE to be good with the ball.. and you don't
HAVE to be good at throwing, OR catching.. heck.. he could be a kicker.. OR he could just play in the marching band. um.. yeah.. that would be good too. We're learning as parents, that we support and encourage him no matter (well, almost) path he takes. and as my dear old' dad put it while watching the game.. "some kids are good in the class room. and others in sports. seldom do you see both.".. Well, thank goodness our little guy is stellar in the classroom.. he'll be an engineer or top executive some day!
Sadly , we did not make Purdue's bug bowl or
spring fest this year. Its the first time since Brigham has been born that we didn't go. Had to give myself grace and just focus on the other zillion things we had going on. The bathroom remodel project. Its all primed and painted and I *think* I love it! The flooring is cut, and we just need to get it down.. though probably not until next weekend. My dad will come back up to help Andrew figure it out. I have to get the vanity painted and then pick out the hardware and fixtures this week.. get some towels, and accessories, etc. I am getting excited to see it all come together... and now my head is spinning with ideas for the master bath...
lol.. isn't it just one thing right after another?
We had an amazing church service, I am so glad my Dad was there to experience it with us. I actually wished about 10 of my closest friends could have been there to experience it , and about 50 of my
acquaintances.. it was just. awesome. I will blog more about it soon, b/c I deserves a post all on it's own.
Had 3 sessions too, over the weekend, and was supposed to have one tonight but the kiddos got sick so had to reschedule =(... a blessing though, giving me some extra time to get caught up on editing.. (thank goodness I leave myself plenty of window to get proofs to my clients) I have two more sessions this week and had two more requests today. My inbox is getting quite the action, and I am loving talking to so many new people! I truly thank my clients, friends, and friends of friends for all the support I have gotten in my business. 2010 is starting off BOOMING......
Since this is my personal blog , I tend to focus more on family happenings etc, and I forget to mention things going on with my photography.. I'll try to remember to give little updates here and there.. but you can always head over to
my photo blogor to my
website to see what I have been up to.
I am weeding
thru my edits both from sessions and then sifting
thru a few here and there from Nashville.. here is one of my Tatum girl that I just love. I have been taking pictures for a friend who makes the most adorable bows/headbands/flowers/hats..etc..

Go check out
chick pea bows . She has been gracious to give me some samples to use for clients and I have splurged on a bunch for Tatum and myself as well.. Kelly is working towards a new website and a new shop on
etsy, but in the mean time you can find what she offers on her blog and she loves to do custom orders too!!
Life is busy, life is full and (especially after today) I just feel such at peace at where God has me right now. He has been doing some amazing works in my family and it just gets me giddy. I know that
every time things are going great, there will be trials(like today) to try and bring me down.. I just have to continue to make the choice of how I respond... and I am so thankful for my loving Father for giving me the strength and endurance to get
thru the icky times.
I think of that
chumbawamba song.... " I get knocked down.. but I get up again.. "
ahhhh the fun college memories that has for me, but its so upbeat that I can't help but be happy!! I know, I know.. Christian lyrics are
powerful too and I have a whole slew of them I listen too and meditate the words.. but this is just fun. and "you're not ever going to get me down".. kinda attitude..
and now I really have to get going... number 3 needs to head to bed.. thanks for reading !