Wednesday, April 20, 2011

spring fun!

a couple weeks ago, when we actually had spring like weather (unlike today when it is rainy and 40 degrees.. =(... yuck! ). I had a photo session Sat morning here at the house, so Andrew took all the kiddos to Brig's first soccer game.. early and it was pretty cold. I am not sad I missed this one! My dad drove up to go to lunch with us and then we headed to the Spring Game.. which is the first look at Purdue's football time since spring training started. The kids loved it.. the sun was shining.. in fact we all dressed with jeans and hoodies, and by the second half we were stripping down to our tanks. The team looks decent.. and it seems that we have a kicker- this kid was incredible!
They always bring back former players and it was fun to see many of the guys I hung out with in school.. crazy that we all have kids now! We did get a family picture with Mike Alstott, with Andrew's phone.. because I opted NOT to bring my camera out.
and now we can't get the silly pic of his phone! and it is such a cute pic.. hard to believe years ago we partied and now I have 3 1/2 kids and can barely drink 2 beers!!

Afterwards we ran home to change into shorts and t's and headed back to campus for Bug Bowl.. aka.. spring fest. We have gone to this every year since Brig was one.. so if you have followed my blog, then you have seen pics before. Some years it is raining.. and we still went.. some years it was fridgid.. like when Brig was two and he was dressed in winter hat and coat.... and then some years we have been in tanks and flip flops ! Thank goodness this was one of those years when we got sunburned!! the kids had a great time and we started with the farm tents... and didn't get very far when we realized that they were closing down. whoops. we got there 45 min before closing time. =(

Brig still got his face painted...

and we did a few other things and grabbed a yummy elephant ear!! We had to get home anyway , b/c grandpa had headed back to our house to start mulching our yard for us!

It was such a gorgeous weekend, that the next day after church and a quick bit to eat, we decided to head back to campus for spring fest. This was a 40 min whirl wind tour done on purpose this time as we had another soccer game to get to that afternoon.

Brig loved milking the cow...

and his little sister was not so sure.. so she stood and watched from a distance

we ran into our friends the Ragles and the kids enjoyed playing with the baby chicks.

Again, Tatum was a bit unsure.. but she ended up cuddling with this sweet baby!

Brigham being silly! For some reason all of these pics are crazy bad... there were tons of people and we were moving thru fast- not to mention having to counter balance this crazy yellow tents' glow! lol

at least I am capturing these moments right?

Brig's favorite part- eating the bugs!! This was on the first day and since they were closing down, there were not many left. He was lucky to nab a choco covered cricket!!

and baby brother got introduced to this yummy treat as well ! He loved it and didn't bat an eye to try it! ewe!!

he also loved just hanging out in the stroller.. what a life for a 21 month old! love his little outfit- a friend got him this for his birth and I am finally getting to put it on him! and the hat... I am such a sucker for hats!

the famous cricket spitting contest! Brig has done this the last few years and was dying to do it. I didn't get up close enough before he spit... but poor Tatum tried it and...

if you look closely, you'll see that she couldn't get it out of her mouth. It just hung there on her lips for awhile! um. gross. her winning spit was 1 inch !! love it!!

so here is Brig after just spitting... his went a full 3 1/2 feet or something. not bad for a little kid!

it was a great weekend and we thoroughly enjoyed the 80 degrees and sunshine! hoping to get to see that again soon!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

a little trip away

well, we didn't do a big trip for spring break since we did ours last fall to WDW... and we're heading away at the end of this month to TN. The weather was pretty cold, so it was a bummer that we couldn't be outside. We did take one day and venture to Indianapolis to the Children's Museum. I think this is actually the first time we have used our membership to it's fullest.. lol- well getting a start on it anyway. Since Brigham was one year old, we have been getting the membership for family plus 2 , for both the CM and for the Indy zoo. Without fail, we buy on our first trip of the year and um.. never go back! we are such suckers!! However, we bought this one in January when we had an overnight trip to Indy.... (stayed downtown at Embassy Suites, ate at Weber Grill. shopped and hit the museum) and so here is visit number 2 in just three month! go us!! lol The new attraction this time was costumes and superheros.. Brig has really been getting into them lately.. and into Star Wars, so he had lots of fun.
Batman and the princess in front of the scene changing castle set!
a fake car won the attraction of Beck.. it slid back and forth in front of a city scene..

and look who else was there? Dora and Boots was another new attraction which was a HUGE hit for one little girl. Brigham and Beckham enjoyed it too.. This above pic cracks me up.. Brig brought along a notepad and promptly said upon entering" I am gonna write down everything I see today!" Well.. that kinda lasted for the first 15 min.. he would stop and write down the name of the exhibit as we went it. hilarious. and so dorkish. ahhhh. my son. he is SO not like his mama!!
Beck had fun down the slide.. he has just discovered the slide when we were at the park a few weeks ago. wwwhhhhheeeeee. is a constant coming from his mouth!
Beck has also developed a big love for dinosaurs, so he loved, loved this part of the museum. he has a mean roar for such a little guy!
and this may just have been all about Beck this trip because he really started recognizing all kinds of new things are really starting to have an obsession with trains, trucks, dinos, and balls.

yep... driving anywhere.. he doesn't miss a beat without yelling out " mammmmma, tuck.. or choochooo.... as we pass over railroads"
we stayed most of the day at the museum and finished off the day with dinner at our new favorite place.. Red Robbin. I never knew that a juicy burger topped with a fried egg could be so amazing. Seriously.. it is divine.

Friday, April 01, 2011

last day...

of spring break.... I think I can.. I think I can.... make it through that is. I have no clue how homeschooling moms make it !! I am already on the search for a nanny or a more than part time babysitter for this summer. I love my kids , really I do. But I need my space. Having them scream and just talk all day long.. and leave toys in every room of my house.. (yes, why do I find star wars figures in my bathroom?) I have found that I am a much better mom and wife if I am not just around little people all day long. Gonna head out in a bit to take them to the only indoor play place .. chic fil a... and then Tatum has a photo shoot for a local company this afternoon. They are spending the night at grandma's house tonight, so that will help get us thru the weekend!! ahhhhh. calgon take me away!!!!


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