I made the above yummy treats to take into the party. It was a huge hit with the kiddos!
Next up was Tatum's graduation... I haven't gone thru the pics from her program which was of course adorable yet... but here are a couple from the big day of her 'graduation"

holding her diploma!! lol
Both of the older kids have been attending several birthday parties in the last month or so. I don't always remember to bring out my camera.. but this one deserved it! A fancy nancy theme. Tatum didn't know who she was or what it was all about, but I think she picked up rather quickly don't you?

Here she is with all the little girls from her preschool class.

and with the weather finally being consistently warm, we have been having many picnics outside in our backyard.

Brigham finished up soccer. He really improved from last fall and he had a lot of fun. Not sure this will be his sport though.. he seems to lose focus easily. He also is the social one on the field.. talking to both his teammates and striking up conversations with his opponents. We joked that this was strategy. I have no idea where he gets that from.
his team ended up only tying one game and losing all the rest. The coach did a great job of teaching the fundamentals though and not just letting one or two kids take away the game just to score goal after goal. The kids really understood the purpose of positions.. instead of being like a crazy mob all over the field. So many of the other teams we played showed up with messy soccer. =(
We have also been hitting the local pool and having fun on the slip n' slide or sprinkler to cool off. We have had many 90 degree days already and it's just the middle of June.

yes, I do have 3 kiddos.. but often we can get out in the backyard, while Beck takes his nap. I am still trying to get Tatum to take naps, but it is getting difficult. I think the two older ones are really having a good time together in the first weeks of summer.

My business is keeping me busy with 2-3 sessions per week. Brigham is in t-ball right now which keeps us at the ball park every Saturday and one day during the week.
Brigham just finished up his first week of VBS at a local church. He had a blast the entire week and we joined him on Thursday night for their performance. He starts VBS #2 (out of 4) on Monday. My kid that thrives in school also loves keeping the routine of this type of thing. I can't wait until Tatum is old enough to attend. She is so bummed that she misses out on all the fun.
However, our focus is on her right now as we prep for her birthday party which is tomorrow. I have been planning this for months and the last week or so have been buying and buying ,etc.
It's amazing how a little girl's bday party can add up so quickly! When I look at all these receipts, I realize I could have bought myself a brand new lens that has been on my list.
Oh, well, you're only 4 once... and I only have one little girl.... *sigh*......
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