does anyone know who sings this??? just a little quiz question for you all... to let me know who is a rockgoddess!

so here is my little cozy place of residence... don't blink or you may miss it!! We actaully just moved here about six months ago. In the first two weeks, we completely changed the look of everything!! Outside, we painted the shutters from white to like a dark charcoal. Painted the front door a softer shade. That window to the side used to be white..(imagine next to a bright red door.. ick!). The front of the house had 6 huge shrubs in the front that covered up the brick and a good portion of the front bedroom windows.
My poor dad, was out there every day for many hours not only digging these mega things out.. but then sweetly transplanting them to our backyard!!

there was no landscape at all, so my fabulous papa helped..well, did it all.. of digging away the sod and cutting away flower beds. We moved in the middle of July, so I had slimpickings as to what to plant... not to mention the heat of August to contend with. I found out I actually have a green thumb! In October, I started planting about 400 bulbs, so I am so excited to see what comes up this spring!

okay so here is the entry way!.. When we moved in all the walls were white and the baseboards were all like a fake wood color. All the doors and door frames were the same "fake wood " that all builders put in new homes, that are NOT custom built!
So in the first week, we pri

We did have a little help from our mexican friends. Man do those boys know how to work! Andrew reluctantly had to got back and put door knobs, and chisel out new forms for the locks to fit! We still have 3 doors not finished!!

sorry that one shot is a bit dark!
I tried my first domesticated attempt in making all the curtains for all the rooms. It was so much fun.. and I had fabric that totally coordinated. I love this place called calico corners in Indianapolis. So many beautiful fabrics!!
so here is the dining room:-------->.
and the kitchen.
okay, since this took like forever and a day to post today... this is all you get.
I was trying to get this done while taking care of two sickly babies, cleaning the house, watching my soaps, and finishing my bible study all before hubby gets home. I am not super woman.. but man, I am a close second!! Not really, just really anal about time management!
So you'll have to wait for another day to see the bedrooms..
I am going to be scrapping 3pages(yes my goal is still 2-3 a week) tonight!! I have actually surpassed my goal of scrapping, but regret to say that my work out routine is taking a hit!
I have only been going to the gym 1-2 times a week! need to get moving. also.. my addiction with chocolate must end.. I am trying to cram in as much before lent.. because.. I will be giving up 100% ALL CHOCOLATE!!
(yeah, i am insane).
have a fabulous day..and I decided to keep my bloggy kinda fun.. i will sign off with a movie quote.. have fun playing!
"ever dance with the devil in the pale moon light?"
love the house tour. Thanks for being my blog friend. we have some massive outdoor work to do on our house too. I am not looking forward to digging out our massive bushes. They are huge. But I am enjoying the indoor work. Don't know what that movie quote is from. let me know.
oh, i loved that song! can't remember who sings it though :(
love your house tour, & all the wall colors, how pretty!
ahh, i think that quote is from al pacino aka the devil, from "the devil's advocate"?? if not then it's going to drive me crazy til i find out which one. that song too.
giving up chocolate?
good luck!!
your house is so cute :)
Love the pad pictures!! Looks like you have a very cozy home. =) You'll have to take a picture of your landscaping in the spring to show us. =) We gotta see all your fun spring flowers!!!
Thanks for the 1/2 tour. =)
so cool to see where you live! and i love all of the colors on you warm!
Beautiful house, love the wall color. Good luck with giving up chocolate. It's been my vice lately which is weird b/c I never really liked it before.
Your house is so pretty. You're a greta decorator!!!
awfully late on this, but I love your house! And madness sang "our house"
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