WHOO HOO, yep I was "quite without a husband" all week!! That line from Parent Trap(one of my all time faves) just kept popping in my head all week!
Andrew had his first big business trip in Michagan. He has only been with the Farm for 1.5 years, and he is the only one from his training group that has been asked to do this. He actually had to prepare, and give seven agency visits, and then also speak at two BIG meetings. He was so nerveous and excited. Well, he claims that he did great.. guess I will take his word for that..
No, he really is an incredible speaker;very confident and elequent with his words.
so while he was up partying with the bigdogs.. I was at home, by myself with an almost two year old!!
Actually, I thought I would be scared, or miss him, , but I actually had a great time by myself.
Reasons why my husband should leave more often:
1. Seriously, I had the bed all to my self, without being mauled every night!!
come on you married ladies , know what I am talking about.. and if you're not yet, ... trust me, it will come soon enough!
2. I was able to watch what I wanted on tv..with out feeling guilty that I was not including him!
I actually watched that new "america's got talent".. .. it was not half bad.. but seriously, where did they have to go searching to find MR. Nightrider.. I thought he had drowned in the ocean somewhere!!!
guess, this will be a comeback for him.. and Brandy!!
3. I could talk to my friend in Ga for over three hours one night, with out getting "the look"..
He never understands how I can talk on the phone so much!!
4. I could be on the computer and blogging, with out him totally making fun of me.
He thinks blogging and talking with "friends" on the net.. is for dorks.
Well, then he must be married to one.. although I admit, the internet is a scary place, and actually not a very "true picture" into what people are really like.. since you can be who ever you want to be ! I just have fun with it, and have "met" some pretty cool people....(so I think)
5. I was able to scrap.. uninterupted!! I never like to be working on my stuff when he is home, so I could work into the wee hours, and then just crash.. yeah, in my bed alone.. to SLEEP!!!
I also got to spend a bunch of time with my friend Jennifer. She and her son came over one morning, and has we talked and the kids played.. we realized nearly 3 hours had gone by and we had not eaten. So we packed up and headed to Mc D"S. and stayed for another couple hours while the kids played. It was so great not having a schedule, or have to be home to start dinner(not that I really ever do that!).. but I try to be home when andrew gets home from work!
Jennifer is such a dear friend, a fellow pea, and was my matron of honor in my wedding. We live in the same town, yet its been over six months since we have gotten together!
It was so great to catch up. and we are going to a crop tonight at a LSS. I am so looking forward to girl time.. and getting some pages done!!
Brigham is three weeks away from turning two. I think there must be something in the manual the kids are given by God, before they exit the womb.
Boy, he is certainly starting the clingy ness, the definate attitude, and his little tantrums, where he lays down on his back!
I actually think its pretty cute, so its hard not to laugh, but I usually just ignore him.
He is talking up a storm, which also can get quite annoying. !! He is repeating everything...
whoops, the other day I called the dog a little shit.. So then Brig was saying "thit" all night!!
so funny.. but, yes, not good-
I took him Dog n Suds (this little drive in place) the other night. we got to sit by this huge dog carrying a tray of rootbeers.. he loved his coney dog, which he picked off the stick, bit by bit!!
and he totally enjoyed his kiddy cup of rootbeer.
(another thing I could do with the hubby gone...is give my kid soda!)
So every evening after I put Brigham to bed, I went out to my retreat... My garden.
Gosh, i just love being out in nature. even pulling weeds and playing in the dirt, is refreshing to me. I love to see the results as the flowers start to bloom.
One night, brigham even helped me spread mulch over my back flower bed. He loves to be out with a trowel in hand just like mama!
Although, I think he ended up with more mulch on him, then the garden!!
so i will leave you with this.. and hope that you will get a glimpse into my happy place!
---------------------------------------------------------EEEEEEKKKKKK!!!(thats me screaming)--------------
okay, i may just be giving up on blogger. the last four posts have not allowed me to get picts up, or at least very many!!
guess, i will try later.. I know you all think i am a big fat liar, and that I don't truely have pics of anything I talk about!!!
have a fabulous weekend everybody.. I am hoping to get a bunch of scrapping done =)
sounds like a fun week!!! so jealous of the scrapping you get done. i thought i would get some done when hubby was gone for the weeekend- but nope : (
too funny about "thit" yep, gots to watch what you say. but its still hysterical to hear it!!!
wow...i agree when my hubbie is gone for a week I usually love Monday- Wednesday and then i begin to miss him by thursday actually usually wednesday night.
Totally believe the blogger thing...I could only post four pics I think the last time...i didn't get the last one up...it wouldn't do it...some nights nothing...so don't worry I know you aren't lying.
YAY!! For hanging out with your buddies, scrapping, watching the tv while the hubby is away!! Sounds like you had a good time!!
sounds like a fun week =)
ugh, temper tantrums are the worst.
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