I was ....goin to the chapel... and gonna get married!!!
Gosh, so much of it seems like a blur...
we drank a whole lot the night before at our rehearsal dinner.. then my bridemaids and I went back to the hotel I worked at for free liquor in the bar.. and we all passed out in our complimentary suite...
next day, we crawled across the street to the spa.. to get all purtied up...
went to the church... went through the ceremony...(don't remember half of what was said.. we were both so nervous).
shook hands with lots of people, we don't really know!!!.... just kidding, we knew most of them.. but our guest list was so big.. we had lots of distant friends and relatives.. that we were just meeting for the first time!!
saw my hubby looking all fine....but it was so sweet at how nerveous he was!!
we were escorted by a classic car and chaueffered by the owner of my mom's company.. we went over to campus where we had gorgeous weather in which to take pictures.
here we are escaping thru the mass of bubbles... and here is the get away car..
oh and here is one of my fave wedding party pics near the fountain at purdue...
onward to the reception.. held at the other hotel that I worked for... we did it up right, let me tell you... with one minor hitch...
as we were waiting in the lobby, for all the guests to be seated, so that we could make our entrance... I turned quickly, not knowing one of my bridemaids was standing on my dress...
OOOPS.. a huge R I P.. righ in the embroidered lace!!.. yep, I was pretty much pissed.. and told her so..
remember, it was MY day,,, and I was the princess.
after a glass of wine, it was completely forgotten!!
here is a pic of the pretty hors deuvre's table: HA HA HA , I tricked ya!!
well, i pushed my luck with blogger.. and he won't let me post anymore!!.. i may try later.
basically the reception was a blast.. we had amazing food, lots of music and dancing, DUH!!!
and one of my bridesmaids got real mad and stormed off to a local bar... ( i have not talked to her since!).
next my aunt and I got real cozy over in the corner, as we shared a couple bottles of vino...
I pretty much lost my new husband after the first dance!!!
towards the end.. my maid of honor and i headed up to the martini bar on the top floor.. where one of our friends was bartending...
My attempt to "flash" him my newly married off boobahs.. was hindered, by the fact that my bodice would not budge... and the fact that ANdrew walked in right at that moment!!
we stayed in the bar for awhile.. until I felt the urge to hurl... ran to the bathroom.. and basically that was the end for me.
My dress was so romantically removed by Jennifer. My ring picked up off the bar floor, by Andrew's friend(because I had taken it off and threw it).
I passed out with a trashcan beneath me, and after I had broken the towel bar in the bathroom!
( i tried to use it as leverage, as i picked myself off the floor!).. lucky for me the hotel suite was a gift from my boss!!..( i told him much later about the bar incident!)
Andrew enjoyed his wedding night curled up on the couch as he watched MONSTERS INC!!..
( i still have never seen it!).
we awoke the next morning and stumbled to our after wedding brunch. and then boarded a plane.
I was very happy to arrive at our honeymoon destination.
AHHH the memories... who would want a boring wedding with no glitches!!
I may try to upload some more pics later.. plus some scrappy pages that I got done over the weekend!!
have a great day =)
hahahaha Elizabeth!! ROFLOL!! This is too funny. My kind of wedding. Well... we are still not married but 15 years together. 5 years ago I asked him to marry me. YES was the answer.. Still waiting.. Maybe i should start to plan something haha :) But your story is awesome!! Make an album of it, the pics are amazing, beautiful!!!
Oh My Gosh!!!
what a wedding to remember!!!
that is toooooo funny!!!
happy anniversary!!!!
such a funny story!!!
looooooooooove all the pictures- you look beautiful!!!
seriously funny though, love that he watched monsters inc......... (and you should watch it, its actaully quite cute)
It sounds like fun and crazy day! Congrats on your anniversary!
Great story. I love the pictures. You had such a pretty wedding.
Happy Anniversary!
That sounds like my kind of wedding. =)
Hope you enjoy your day with much to remember and much to look forward to. We have to make it to the pool when you get back from your great weekend - can't wait to hear about it AND the invitations are SOOOOO cute! I think we are a Yay!
Wow! Sounds like some serious wedding day madness. Makes me a little jealous that I wasn't a crazier bride.
OMG, I missed this post. I love the way you two looked on your wedding day, so beautiful!!
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