I had every intention of posting last week, but teaching vacation bible school for 25 two and three year olds, was a bit more exhausting then I thought!! what a bunch of cuties they were... it was so exciting to see the energy in every one of the kiddos!!
i was so impressed at how quietly they all sat while listening to the story teller.. as she told them about GOd's love for them. It sure helped that she had a pet parrot named ZOCH that gave out lots of hugs!!
through, bible stories, crafts, playground time, movies, music, and free play.. these kids had a great time at SONTREASURE ISLAND..
my litte guy concentrating way too hard on the beam to look up for me =) ------------------------------>
on the last day, we gave the kids all pirate hats, and they got to dig in the treasure chest for all sorts of special "treasures". We also had lots of fun at the carnival where they had face paints, ring toss, and a du

The kids had a blast as they took whacks at the rainbow piniata.. .. After each kid had tried 3 times, unsuccessfully, to bust the rainbow.. we had to lend a helping hand.. and then they were showered with candy and fruit snacks!!
no doubt all these kids were pretty tuckered out.. I know mine was.
Not to mention we had playdates at the pool nearly every afternoon too, which meant.. NO naps.. but lucky for me he went to bed early!!
this pretty much sums up the week---->

ok, well I guess I have reached bloggers limit for pics... Sorry for creating all the suspense... I know you all are just dying to see the children's ministry rooms!!
So Friday afternoon, we had lunch with some friends.. and then met some other friends for pool time! Brig is so loving the water this year.. I was not sure if I would have to be extra causious around the pool or not.. and luckily my easy going kid, is just as laid back at the pool.
Other then the fact that it is super hard to get him out.. twice last week he was climbing back into the pool, after I had already changed his clothes!! quick little booger he is!!
So the miller fam went out to dinner on Fri.. and then Andrew and I put Brigham to bed at um... 8:00pm!!(that is way early for us!) and we watched the RINGER!!
seriously, this is super funny... johnny is a riot in here.. not to mention all the rest of the "extras.".. I was busting a gut, numerous times, but i was feeling so guilty for laughing at the...
"mentally challenged"..
Andrew kept reassuring me, that the Special Olympics... Probably made a killing off this movie, since there name was plastered all over the place..
so if you have not seen this.... this is a very GOOD recommendation.
Sat, we were lazy, and did some yardwork... and then took naps. We went to our town's annual fundraiser.. THe TASTE OF TIPPECANOE...
yep, its a teeny weeny version of the taste of Chicago.. or any other big city that has one.
Still, it was great weather, great crowds... (45 thousand were in attendance!!).. , awesome music, and incredible food.
Brigham was the hit of the show, as he was jammin so hard to the "rock stage" that we unleashed him from the stroller..
Everybody was getting the biggest kick out of watching him clap, boogie down, and stomp his feet..
Then there were fireworks at 10 pm, which Brig was totally blown away by..(well, not really, but we did get ashes all over us!).. he kept saying BOOM everytime the sky would light up.
I am so happy that he was not scared. We are planning a big party for the 4th, and so i was worried that he may be too afraid to be out and about!
Sunday, we had a bbq at my house for my dad and Andrew.. good, down home, traditional cook out food. I even tried my first batch of deviled eggs.. there was not a one left!!!.. good sign =)
and last night my mom took Andrew out(with brig and me) to his favorite restaurant called the BLUE NILE!!.. this is such a quaint little Mediterranean place on campus. the food was awesome.. and really spicy. Brigham could not get enough of it...
and I payed for it this morning, as he left me quite the bit of gratitude in his diaper!!
anyway, I have got to finish cleaning the house and getting laundry done today.. and then Brigham has his FIRST haircut!!... i am so leaning to having the girl give him a mullet, ..just so I can keep his curls.
Andrew says, why not, we are in Indiana, and that seems to be pretty popular around here.
NO joke.. we saw FIVE people at the taste, sporting mullets!!..
so wish me luck that I am not too emotional as she snips away at my baby!
Your VBS stories so remind me of going to Vacation Bible School every year. Was alwasy so much fun. Glad you are helping teach young kids about God's love!
sounds like so much fun!!!!
love the mullet- all baby boys have to rock em just to keep the baby girls (we totally did that to my baby brother!)
scrapbookable moment : )
Mullet...he he he.
I am completely exhausted just reading this. You are truly Super Mom!
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