Thursday, August 31, 2006
Yep, thats all the buzz around our house. actually it has been for the last few months, as Andrew prepared for his FFB draft. thats fantasy football , for all you non leaguers!!
seriously, My husband is the biggest freak when it comes to college and pro ball. and he is priming our son as such too!! I hope I get a little estrogen on my side in the future.. HEE HEE HEE!
no, actually I enjoy football and the festivities that surround it immensely!
Andrew was the commish of his fantasy team, meaning he had to create the video/ slide show for the draft. wait... take that back. he DID NOT have to .. he did it. and it turned out really cool. wish I had the link to it. guess I'll post it another time. there are 12 guys in it from work, and they all have their own team names.
some are pretty ingenious like my hubbies- THE LISBON ASSMAGELLANS..
others like the running pickles, anti dentites, pirates of keywest, purple helmet heads, and some that are a tad offensive like the Pussy pounders and the twin peak torpedos!!
use your imagination for their logos. some were pretty flippin hilarious!
anyway, each guy came up with a logo, and then Andrew photoshopped them w/ color. He put together a really kick ass movie. This kicked off the draft on their 77 inch big screen.
Not to mention they got a keg. yes a keg, for 12 guys!!. their draft was last Saturday and lasted about 5-6 hours. upon completion of that, they all stayed around to play poker!
oh, did I mention my husband had me going to Hobbly Lobby searching for what would be the "chester copper pot"/ yes, this is their trophy, and each year, whoever wins, gets their team name engraved on it!
and if that is not enough.. they are getting jerseys made. I'd say they are a bit over the edge.
But , hey, if it keeps him happy, and (out of the house!) ha ha =)
and it gives him NO room to talk about my scrapbooking stuff, right?
So beyond Fantasy play, college ball does start tonight. So fun. and then our first home game of the season is SATURDAY> we are so going to win against Indidana State!!
we're tailgating, and cooking up some good eats.. and of course, there will be yummy beverages.
however, I won't be getting in on that this year ... =/
Oh, and I am sporting a new look these days. Seems to be the trend in haircutting these days.
Rachel, and Darcy, and a couple of my good friends here have all went for the chop- o-roo.
I tried this new salon in town. Actually had to make my appointment like a month ago and I think it turned out fun. My hubby is not so fond of it. actually, he pretty much hates it. But, hey, I don't like some of his t-shirts, and I still go out in public with him!!
so here is the new do.. though, I have had issues the last few days, in re-creating it. Its been a bit more curlier lately.
ok... can anyone tell me why I am the ONLY blogger who can't get the photos to up load.. like EVER?
some of you always seem to get multi uploads. I am lucky if I get one. UGGGGGHHH!!!!
maybe I need to choose between blabbing and posting pics!! tuff decision =/
Thursday, August 24, 2006
me and my beautiful balloon

up up and away..with my beautiful balloon.
does anyone remember that song?
We went to a 1st bday party and wouldn't you know, my kid released the BIG cluster of helium shaped balloons within ten minutes of being there!!
It was a pool party, and I was in the water, Brig ran over and grabbed them, just then I noticed that the bag of marbles was not attached. I yelled for my friend's husband to grab, but it was not in time!!
Luckily they had another bouquet inside, which Brigham was able to grab a blue one out of it!
We went out to dinner the other night at O'charleys and of course he HAD to have a balloon during dinner. Yep, this one lasted all of 3 minutes, before it took off to the rafters! It was blue too.
As the waiter gave us the check, he came back with a HUGE GREEN balloon. seriously, bigger than his head!!
I think fear was set in, b/c for the last 4 days, the light blue and the BIG green balloon have gone everywhere. they go into the car. and back into the house. and into the bedroom at nap time(but I do pull them out before he falls asleep!). and YES, even in the tub!!
Did you notice his big grin in the pics? It has become official.. that I always have a camera in hand. As soon as he sees it , he immediately grins and says CHE-EEEESE!!!
cracks me up!!
I started back to work this week. Not too many kids, so thats good, but I am sure it will pick up when pre school starts. Moms always like to drop off the little ones, while the older siblings are in school!
Had our first bible study of the semester and it went really well. I had to lead solo, since Andrew is working Sunday nights. Our study is on Growing together in Christ, by Homebuilders. I am so psyched about this one!!
Well, I will leave you with my latest page.. guess its a TWO PAGER!!! I can hardly believe it!!
(um just kidding.. you can check it out on 2peas)
have great Thursday =)
Friday, August 18, 2006
congratulations to the MILLERS
but they did win a cool new dodge !!
So proud of COle and Ld.
check them out . click down on the left to hear the millers.
well, I should fess up, they are not my cousins. But they are home town favorites. I have been watching these guys and their family play since LD was like ten years old!! He is amazing, that kid!
not much going on here. running here and there. preparing for the fall routine.
Had my big open house for my business yesterday. Didn't have a huge turn out, but got lots of outside orders. My goal is to make enough so that I can put down new flooring in my kitchen and dining area!!
with a two year old feeding himself, the carpet has become spot central! Yes I said, carpet in the dining room. Is that not the dumbest thing?
anyway, I have searched out, and am going to do a wood type floor. hopefully soon.
Brig is almost potty trained. well, he would be if I would stop being the lazy mama and just work with him more. Its so convenient to just let him go in the diaper! he is coming and telling us, so that is good.
I think the other thing, is the milestone of that my baby is pottying in the toilet!! HE's not a baby anymore..=(
I 'll leave you with a funny comment from the mouth of a 2 year old.
He was just looking out the front window. He saw a little white truck drive by (like an S-10) or something.
He started saying.. "bye bye pizza.. bye bye pizza!"
cracks me up. is is saying to much about the habits of our neighbors..(certainly would not be us!
Have an awesome weeekend! I am going to get my scrap on. hopefully. I have definately been slacking.
party on dudes =)
Thursday, August 10, 2006
some random stuff.
can you tell which kid's mom is addicted to scrappbooking? actually both are, but my kid is putting out the cheese! i am loving the too big shorts.. they look like jams. my mom thinks he looks like an old man.
quite frankly there is not to big of difference between a baby and an old man. mushy foods. diapers.babbling about nonsense!
this is my cutie head with his little friend Noah. the moms conned the dads into going to Hobby Lobby. we individually bribed them with dinners out.. (conveniently located near HL!).
I stocked up on patterned paper and letters, and a bunch of cardstock.
I am so bummed that of course the heidi swapp stuff was not included in the sale.
we went to a concert at our downtown train depot. The Clayton Miller Band (local fave) has made it to the finals of that reality show of Regis'. "America's Got Talent".
They came back to perform. Actually its just Ld on the harmonica, and his brother Clayton on drums and vocal.. but they used to play with other guys. It was cool to hear them.
Brigham loved every minute of it.. and was a crowd pleaser with his fancy moves! I swear this kid is part African American. this boy can dance!!
Don't know if you can see the kid in black on the harmonica.
He just blows me away with talent. We started going to hear him and his family play five years ago, when he was just ten years old. He was so cute.
He's grown up now, and lost some of that cuteness appeal. Hopefully his talent will get them thru. Check it out Wednesday August 16th is the finals.
We took brigham to his first movie on Tuesday. Andrew took the day off and we just played . We saw Barnyard. Brig lasted 45 minutes before he got very loud. animated. and yelling out every kind of animal that was on the screen, and added the noise each one made.
though cute, I am sure it was a bit annoying for the other people in the theatre. Its a kid movie in the middle of the afternoon, so I am sure it was to be expected, but brigham was by far the youngest kid in there. so we left early, but truthfully the movie was really bad.
and i was rooting for it b/c Kevin James plays the lead "cow". sorta funny. really stupid.
He was mezmerized by the screen and totally enjoyed his little kids pack of popcorn, lemonade, and pixie stix. Guess his loudness could be a result of sucking pure sugar thru a straw.. who knows!!
pictures next time around.
been scrapping lately. and Lisa made the cutest layouts of Brigham for me. She is quite the "blue star" designer. though I always refer to her as the blues tard designer!! I read it like that everytime she posts. man does her talent blow me away. Thanks SO much girl. =)
you can check em out on twopeas since I can't post any more pics.
hope everyone is having a great week, and the weekend is right around the corner!
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Ascot parking lot jogging???
cuz, you know when ever I want to go for a run... I choose a very large parking lot.. where there are lots of moving cars to dodge!!..
it was the funniest thing.
okay, so we have been super busy lately.. thus the reason that I am totally slacking with the cj. I am soo sorry girls.. I 'll get back on track. and the sad thing is that I have cropped the last two Fridays with some friends. I have gotten lots of layouts done , but can't seem to get the mojo moving for the cj's. Examples:

Its so freaking HOT.. and we've been either in AC "cwafting" or at a pool. "Cwafting" is what brig likes to ask to do while I scrap.. SO cute!!
I am so glad that Brigham likes the water, though much of the time, he prefers to run around the pool and play catch with his pool toys, while I float in the pool. not a bad deal, for me.
I have really been stressed lately.. and feeling like I am spinning out of control. I am trying to get things set for the fall.. and that means meetings, meetings, and more meetings. Once I am in the routine, its awesome. I LOVE to have a full calendar, but doing all the prep work begins to wear. I also don't like to just join something to join. If I am a part of an organization , you can bet that I will be chair of a committee or jump on the Exec Board. Guess I kinda bring all this on myself huh?
Well, in the midst of all that, I am trying to kick off another season of my business. With our new catalog out.. I am totally pumped and am having a 10 hour open house in a couple weeks
and I am also trying to enroll to take some classes at Purdue. I love to play with color and decorating.. so I figured I might as well go get a degree in it so that I can actually get PAID for it!!!
I did this layout to remind myself of the simple things in life.. Everyday moments.. And everyday laughs(guess I just created a title for another LO)!!
well, check it out on 2peas.. guess blogger is not willing. =(
I also scrapped a cute little pink card for Darcy's bday last week.----->picture it here!
I invited a bunch of peas to join in and make sweet little feminine pages for her.. still waiting on a couple of them, and then I will send them out to you D.
Rachel and Hanni also did surprises for her.. so I am pretty sure her day was made!!
well, i gotta run. .. literally. I decided that instead of sitting on my hiney watching my soaps..(though CBS daytime completely rocks) I should get off my hiney and start exercising.
SO now I have started walking away the pounds with Denise Austin. So far it seems to be working. I have lost 7 pounds in a little over a week!
guess, refraining from nightly trips to Dairy Queen has helped too!!!
have a great Tuesday everybody!