IS this the new thing??? Seriously we were at Tarjay the other night and this guy was jogging around the parking lot.. in some very short shorts.. and an American flag little neckercheif..
cuz, you know when ever I want to go for a run... I choose a very large parking lot.. where there are lots of moving cars to dodge!!..
it was the funniest thing.
okay, so we have been super busy lately.. thus the reason that I am totally slacking with the cj. I am soo sorry girls.. I 'll get back on track. and the sad thing is that I have cropped the last two Fridays with some friends. I have gotten lots of layouts done , but can't seem to get the mojo moving for the cj's. Examples:
Its so freaking HOT.. and we've been either in AC "cwafting" or at a pool. "Cwafting" is what brig likes to ask to do while I scrap.. SO cute!!
I am so glad that Brigham likes the water, though much of the time, he prefers to run around the pool and play catch with his pool toys, while I float in the pool. not a bad deal, for me.
I have really been stressed lately.. and feeling like I am spinning out of control. I am trying to get things set for the fall.. and that means meetings, meetings, and more meetings. Once I am in the routine, its awesome. I LOVE to have a full calendar, but doing all the prep work begins to wear. I also don't like to just join something to join. If I am a part of an organization , you can bet that I will be chair of a committee or jump on the Exec Board. Guess I kinda bring all this on myself huh?
Well, in the midst of all that, I am trying to kick off another season of my business. With our new catalog out.. I am totally pumped and am having a 10 hour open house in a couple weeks
and I am also trying to enroll to take some classes at Purdue. I love to play with color and decorating.. so I figured I might as well go get a degree in it so that I can actually get PAID for it!!!
I did this layout to remind myself of the simple things in life.. Everyday moments.. And everyday laughs(guess I just created a title for another LO)!!
well, check it out on 2peas.. guess blogger is not willing. =(
I also scrapped a cute little pink card for Darcy's bday last week.----->picture it here!
I invited a bunch of peas to join in and make sweet little feminine pages for her.. still waiting on a couple of them, and then I will send them out to you D.
Rachel and Hanni also did surprises for her.. so I am pretty sure her day was made!!
well, i gotta run. .. literally. I decided that instead of sitting on my hiney watching my soaps..(though CBS daytime completely rocks) I should get off my hiney and start exercising.
SO now I have started walking away the pounds with Denise Austin. So far it seems to be working. I have lost 7 pounds in a little over a week!
guess, refraining from nightly trips to Dairy Queen has helped too!!!
have a great Tuesday everybody!
Great layouts!! I think I'm going to have to try the parking lot jogging!!!
yes, i enjoy a good jog around a target parking lot. the car factor keeps ya on your toes!!!
lol. too funny!
Hmmmm. As much as I'd love to part with 7 pounds, I really love my DQ!
Great layouts. Things will settle down, it' crazy how hectic our lives can be at times.
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