has kinda been a blur!!
it was really really HOT, so we stayed indoors the first week! Brigham was so excited about his little pool, that we let him go in it around eight or nine pm..(after our family walks and after it has cooled off a little!)
Then then next week, we had rain! FINALLY!!
my husband kidding me saying that our whole state is in a drout.. except for our yard!!
and our water bill shows it!! LOL..well, I am kind of a nut when it comes to my yard and keeping it green and keeping the flowers from wilting!!
So remember when I said my baby weight came right off..? well it did .. in the first 2 weeks, and then I have just been sitting at the same dang weight forEVER!!
trying to do more walks.. but the ice cream, cakes, candy, ICE CREAM is certainly not helping.. good news, is that I am not gaining!!
guess its b/c of the nursing.. lil Tatum sure is getting a taste of my sweet tooth! LOL
eating out has been a weakness of ours too.. the week before last , we went to MOES.. (love that place) with Kelli and Greg and the kids.. and then like 3 days later after going to watch their 7 year old's softball game, we all went out for pizza!!
we always have so much fun together, and unfortunatley it also includes eating and of course ice cream. They introduced us to the soft serve at Pizza Hut for a quarter!!
How could we pass it up.. and it was really good too(not like the nast ice milk from the dorms in college! LOL)
SO Father's day was low key. went to church, and then went out to lunch with my dad at Camilles!
I told Andrew he could pick, and crazy enough he pulled into the place that he usually HATES to go, but I love it.. and my dad loves it.. so guess Andrew was doing a nicety by doing that. I am trying to get Andrew to grow to love places like "camilles cafe' and 'panera'. He hates all that froo froo kinda food!!
so all afternoon we all just hung out in the AC and then Brigham got to go out to his pool and play with Grandpa..
around 8pm we realized, we never had dinner, so we ordered chinese.
Oh,and I had made a cake in honor of the fathers =)

totally made up the cake.. yellow cake mix. double layer. poked wholes in each layer and poured carmel topping over, added whipped cream to middle layer, sprinkled Heath bar over that, and then frosted the whole thing in chocolate.. it was HEAVEN!!!
last week was VBS at our church, but I opted not to go. I wasn't seeing getting my self and two kids out the door by 8:30 am!! I think I need a couple more months to practice, before MOPS starts up, and Brigham goes to pre school!!
We had a play date with my friend Sarah and her daughter Micheala at the park. The kids found a water spicket and they were soaked. seriously, they had a whole park to themselves, and they couldn't get enough of the water!!
Thursday night, we went to a carnival at church. so much fun, although, Brigham was a tad too young for most of the games. He did win a sucker, and enjoyed the cotton candy,and got his face painted..

Then last Friday, I offered to watch my friend Kelli's daughter so she could get some errands done. Hannah and Brigham are in seprable.. seriously , I think they could play together 24-7 ! Hannah is a whole year older, but the same height, and just adorable. We're hoping her 'going potty' will rub off on Brigham, the more they are together! He always wants to copy her..
Like after I watched the kids, we all went to chick filet. the kids just play and play and the moms talk, and we both have babies too. It was so busy on Friday, because all the local VBS's got out and all the kids were given little certificates w/ coupons on it!! So yeah, it was a tad crazy, for about 20 minutes, and then it cleared out..
I never knew that if you turn your kids toy back in (from the kids meal) that you get a FREE ice cream! so Brigham loved it, and Kelli and I just had to have one of those fabulous shakes!!
Friday night I met my friend Jennifer out for scrapbooking! It felt so good to get out and go to a crop. I got 4 out of the 10 pages that I had planned for =(.. but of course we had fun. we even took a break and went to TGIF's for fried green beans and cocktails.
and then I just had to swing past Chick Filet again, for yes, ANOTHER hand dipped shake!!
2 in one day.. seriously, folks, this has to stop !!
oh, and Tatum ,made her debut in scrapping. I brought her with me. she was so good.
here is proof =)

Saturday, I went to a class at Lowe's.. learning how to install flooring!
After getting some estimates that were in the $1600-2400 range, I decided, we could attempt it ourselves.
I am losing patience and want it done NOW... however, Brigham's birthday party is on July 14th, and that is just pushing it.
I am going crazy, anyway trying to plan for that, and get everything I need. He says he wants a clown cake, and I can't find a clown pan anywhere!
Well, I'll leave you with a couple cute pics of the kids.. having a girl is like having a doll to play dress up with. The girl wears dresses EVERY day! and I change her clothes like 5 times a day... ( ok, not really, luckily she poops thru them, and then just HAS to be changed... LOL)
A friend of mine, gaver her this little diva outfit, I think its adorable.
Brigham is just adoring his little sister, and the disposing of poopy diapers has not gotten old for him..!!
kids are so fun, but tiring eh?? I have to go take a nap!!

(she has been lifting her head since about two weeks old.. getting stronger every day, here , she finally found that fist to suck on!!)
sweet sweet pics Elizabeth!!
Girl, you stay SO busy..how do you do it? Fun update! Baby is getting so big and so cute!!
Hey girl,
Your kids are so cuteeeeeeeee! And that cake sounds and looks so yummy! You know what? It's summer so if you have ice cream who cares, enjoy it. Life is too short to worry if you have too many. You can always diet in the Fall. =D Yes I'm bad. LOL
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