Daddy was making fun of me, b/c I wasn't letting me kid take 'cool' valentines.. like spider man, or sponge bob, or any other character type thing. Well, Brigham had no idea that those were even options... and he loved the ones he got to help make!
We set up an assembly line, and he wrote out his name on the cards, then I folded the toppers, and he put marshmallows in the bags, and I stapled them.
easy peasy.. and they were totally unique. got the template from HeatherAnn Designs.(her link is to the left). As we were heading into school , he told the kids and parents he saw all about the pink marshmallows that he brought. what a proud kid. and I'll take these moments while I can get them... lol

and he helped me make these cookies to take into his class. Well, guess he just got covered in flour and ate a bunch of cookie dough.. but I'll count the time together in the kitchen as help =)
I was amazed at the number of moms/teachers that came up and were so surprised and impressed that I made the cookies. really they were simple. just got out my pastry bags and went to town.
but I guess when every other kind of cookie was store bought from a box, then these stood out amongst the crowd!

Brigham's party was low key.. in fact I wasn't even sure that parents were supposed to be there. I didn't think so , so I scheduled a photo session for the time he would be in preK. After I dropped him off, I came home to find a msg , that the sweet baby I was supposed to photo, was sick... so we rescheduled for this week.
I hurried and showered and got Tatum dressed and we headed into his school about 15 minutes after his party started... well, no other parents were there cept the room moms, so we just kinda roamed the halls. I didn't want to intrude, but I did manage to go in for a few minutes and snap some photos of them playing Bingo. ( ya know , I have to scrap this party!) And Tatum was in heaven b/c she got to play in the little kitchen and with the babies.
We ended up being able to participate in the 'valentine feast', which was perfect for this hungry mama.
This was the first year that I had not thrown a valentine party at our house. The past two years, we invited several of Brigham's friends and their moms over to play games, decorate cookies, read valentine stories and just play. Most of his friends are in school now, so they all have their own parties. For a party planning girl like me, you know how I was disappointed.. but it was also nice just to relax on Friday.
So maybe I'll start the tradition next year for Tatum and her friends, since Brig will be in school..
anyway.. I hope you all have a great day filled with mooshy love stuff !
hey girl!
i just realized i never commented to you about the recipe swap! i am so sorry about that!
if you do another one, please let me know, i really want to do one! and you have THE cutest kids! and i love the nurser down below!
have a good week! :)
hey girl!
i just realized i never commented to you about the recipe swap! i am so sorry about that!
if you do another one, please let me know, i really want to do one! and you have THE cutest kids! and i love the nurser down below!
have a good week! :)
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