Speaking of, Thanks so much for your input for my chair!! We all seem to think alike.. lol. I was really leaning towards the floral #4 for the longest time, and then realized that it may get too dirty, being that light, and also it looked a tad like my mother's style. so I decided against it.
Then I was going for the top one, a little more eclectic style, but I just don't think it would go with the look we have now. I am envisioning our next home to have wood floors, and lots of character so the eclectic , rustic, style will go well. something we do not have in our current 'cookie cutter' style house!
.... and so I chose #5! the striped is a bit of a change for the room, and the lighter color choice will brighten the place up. it actually has every single shade and color from the living and dining rooms. something that will blend with our decor even should we change the wall colors. so now I have to wait 6-8 weeks to get my chair.....
and so I am working on switching up the kids rooms.
oh, yeah... a few of you reminded me that I never posted about being pregnant. so here it is.
"Baby number 3 is on the way!!". Its kind of funny, with Brigham I told people right away, and with Tatum and this one, I just sort of forget to say anything...lol.
ETA: and to some of my closest friends whom I failed to inform you of the due date.. (dang loss of memory cells..lol) its looking like July 4th!! kinda bumming me out though b/c we always have a fun day/night long celebration that day.. guess we may be seeing fireworks from the hospital!! LOL
I am actually starting to show more now, but I still feel chubby instead of pregnant. Like maternity clothes don't quite wear right just yet. I have the big ultrasound next week.. so we're pretty excited. Although I am totally respecting my husband this go around and not finding out the gender. Andrew didn't want to know on either before, but I am a planner, and so I just had to know.
Since we have one of each, and the boy and the girl were both first grandchildren of their kind... we were pretty spoiled. Tons and tons of clothes for both. Plus we don't really have room for another child right now, so I don't even want to stress about where we'll put it!
I am however, going into cleaning and organizing mode for the two kids' rooms right now. Just on the slim chance that we are still in this house in 6 months!!
So I realized that I never showed Tatum's nursery .. actually didn't stress too much about it either, but we did have it finished by her first birthday!! LOL
I like some expensive stuff, that I can't compromise on, so then I get thrifty in other areas to compensate... so here is a tour!

the topiary is a decal from Lowes, along with the 'Sleep, Dream.. Imagine' over the crib. they were way cheaper than Uppercase Living ones, and they look just as cute!

the glass jars came from Good will for about fifty or seventy five cents each. I just tied some pink ribbon around them and oh, so cute!
most of the decor I picked up clearance (right after Tatum was born in May) from the garden section of HL. I got most things for under $5.00!!
The flower arrangement here was sent to me in the hospital from my mom, in the same vase that her parents sent to her when I was born!! I thought it went well in this shabby chic nursery!

found the letters at JoAnn's in the dollar spot. Got the bakers rack at HL with my 40% off coupon! the baskets and other containers were 1/2 off at HL as well. I made the lamp with ribbon and a new shade. Hung the dresses up (which used to my my mother's!) for a vintage-y feel. Basically just tossed frames and stuffed animals around that had been given as gifts.

more garden gear. and a cheap cork board I found at Tj Maxx on clearance, the pushpins are roses. PERFECT!!
I just love it when I find a perfect accessory for a steal!

the colors match perfectly!

an old UGLY chair that has been with us for awhile. I found this duvet cover at GoodWill for $15!! It was still in original packaging! bonus! and so now it covers the chair, but soon it will be the comforter on her big girl bed. the pillow was on clearance for $2 at Michaels, and the blanket was a gift. I did splurge on the canvas above.. but still it was only $20 bucks at Gordman's on sale.
there you have it. So now I am trying to get the dresser out of Brig's room and bring it into Tatum's room. The girl has waaaaay too many clothes, and she is definitely out growing her 2/3rds of his closet!

an old UGLY chair that has been with us for awhile. I found this duvet cover at GoodWill for $15!! It was still in original packaging! bonus! and so now it covers the chair, but soon it will be the comforter on her big girl bed. the pillow was on clearance for $2 at Michaels, and the blanket was a gift. I did splurge on the canvas above.. but still it was only $20 bucks at Gordman's on sale.
there you have it. So now I am trying to get the dresser out of Brig's room and bring it into Tatum's room. The girl has waaaaay too many clothes, and she is definitely out growing her 2/3rds of his closet!
Why not use the closet in her room you ask?
Well, it is organized from side to side and top to bottom with scrap booking stuff. It really is so neat and tidy, and works well at hiding my hobby, that I don't want to touch it.
So we're looking at finding Brigham a new dresser for his room, and some of those organizational cubbies from Pottery Barn. Its amazing how the older he gets the more 'little' parts all of his toys have. Its pure chaos in his room, and I fear no time at all and Tatum's room will be the same!! LOL
We're praying hard for God to open a door for us somewhere else, and with a bigger house =)
Can you come decorate my house?!?! I love the room. (so sweet and innocent)
Yes, you are pregnant. However, you've failed to tell us the due date! I have never officially been told!
LOVE the nursery! Wow - you are quite the decorator... I love our kids' rooms - but they are nothing quite like that! :-)
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