Monday, May 18, 2009

its May... time for graduation and mom's day

so I am just a tad bit late on this... don't know where my week went... oh, yeah.. we had graduation ceremony, hosted life group,last day of school picnic, nice weather= playing outside .. A LOT!!..... , cleaning out more drawers and packing up kids clothes in preparation for baby....
blogging always seems to get pushed back.... and I hate that =/ so here is my baby boy in his last PreK program.. looking quite dapper I might add....
"If I were a crocodile... I'd thank God for my great big smile..."

not sure why he's looking at us like this.
also, I hate that we never get to the programs in time, so my pics always have the backs of people's heads in them. lovely.
tried adding a vignette to these, to put the focus on him....

Rico suave..... yep, that's my kid... lol
seriously, I don't think he has ever been to school w/o a collared shirt on
pretty preppy kid right now... or on the other hand I dress him like a rock star with some cute stuff from Hannah Anderson..
I have NEVER put my kids in a single bit of "character" clothing.
why do they even make that stuff?... kids get enough on tv.
well, maybe its for the 45 year old women that strut thru WalMart with their Pooh t shirts on.
OH.. shame on me!!!

I think this was actually right at the beginning, when I first looked out and spotted us. It never gets old, to see his face light up when I sees us.
mom, dad, Tatum, grandma, and even grandpa came up from Indianapolis for the show!
so we also had another program for just his preK class with the presentation of diplomas!
haven't gotten them off the ol' camera yet.. but will post them too.
and the last day at the park was pretty fun too. we had perfect weather for his last day with all his friends.


since we had had Tatum's bday party the day before, I wasn't feeling up to much.
We met my mom and brother at the park and I brought all my 'leftover' party sides, and we picked up KFC.
LOVE, LOVE the unfried chicken there....
if you haven't taken Oprah's advice, to "go get you some".. then take mine.
It is fabulous!
we just played, blew bubbles, and flew kites..
very low key.

I was feeling rather large, so this mama didn't get in any of the pictures..
but here is my first born that made me a mommy.
(could not get the kid to give me a real smile for anything!)
! oh, and he didn't lose his arm. .. just hiding behind his back!)

and my feisty 2 year old!!!

always on the go, this one.... this summer should be fun-nnn.

and here is a pic of her with the worm that grandma got her.
she loves it.
apparently my mom was going down memory lane when picking it out for her.
I have no memory of ever riding one.


Lisa said...

Wonderful photos, as always, Elizabeth! You have such lovely littles!!! :)

Emily said...

Very cute! I think Scott had one of those green worms. I know he's talked about one. By the way Vincent is dancing to the music on your Blog right now! LOL

Heather Crawford said...

Ummm, 'scuse me, but Chaz has Batman AND Spiderman shirts..thank you very much..just wait until B gets a little older..ha...but for the record, I DO NOT wear Pooh shirts! I do allow a few super hero shirts because he loves them so much..but we stop there..

Yes, he is looking quite cute..the vignetting worked my "burning" action!


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