Yep. even though we got super excited about our Dora potty a few months ago.. and we have actually sat on it about 15 times with out screaming!!.... a certain exactly 2 1/2 year old cutie head still has no interest in actually doing her business in the potty.
take that back.. she has interest in "pretending" she can go potty.. like last week at MOPS , when I picked her up and the lady said she was so cute, and when the took the kids in underwear across the hall to the bathroom.. Tatum said.. "ta ta wants to go potty!".. I laughed and said, "well , she doesn't really know what that means.. lol".. the lady said "oh, well she sat there like a big girl " and that is my Tatum.... such a charmer....=)
and so , so silly. this girl is such a hoot and just keeps me laughing all day long! I asked her if she wanted to go sit on Dora potty and she went to the bathroom and came back like this.

This girl has quite the little imagination too... she has really engaged in interactive play since Brigham has been in school all day. Instead of doing what he does, or just reacting to the torments of big brother.. she is creating little towns. and setting up little families. sometimes it is with pumpkins, from our fireplace fall display... (she has little conversations with them.. daddy and Beckham are mentioned quite often.. lol) or playing with the farm set.. or this one.
she has really been obsessed with this little people's bus. not only do the boy and the girl in a wheel chair go to school.. but the giraffe and Ho Ho (Noah from the noah's ark set) , along with Diego and the spider monkey travel as well.
I love to hear her stories. It makes me smile when I am sitting across the room, and she doesn't know that I am watching her.
and speaking of creating... I have NOT been scrap booking.. in fact my friend Heather and I were venting to each other the other day, because our passion for scrap booking has been pushed back these last few months due to crazy busy AWESOME photography gigs we both have been having.
I *think* I am going to have a scrap night tomorrow night. Grandma wants to take the older kids for the night, and Andrew will probably find something to do.. so maybe next week I'll have some pages to share. It has been SO long.. you all probably forgot that I was a die hard scrapper before photography.. lol
however, due to my little man's fascination with consuming way to much milk waaaay too fast, and then smiling all the while he pukes down my arm, my back, the floor, etc. I made some boyish burp cloths. totally wanted to monogram them, but I have no idea how, and the store I was going to take them to went out of business. so I am just dealing with these.
He had is dr. appt on Monday and I didn't even get to be there =( I totally didn't realize that I had leader training for MOPS that morning and I couldn't get him another appt for a while, so since Andrew had Monday's off.. he took him. Of course I prepped him on what to ask.. which was really nothing.. but I did warn him that little man was going to get two more shots.. and my husband being the wuss that he is... could he handle that?
I actually think Andrew did worse..lol. the feed back was that Beckham didn't even flinch for the first one, and cried for like 30 seconds on the next one.
and the stats are in......
Weight: 16lbs 9 oz
Height: 27 inches
So he is slimming down a bit.. thank goodness.. I was so afraid he would by pass all the cute clothes I have in 3-6 and 6 month sizes left from Brigham. He actually does fit into some 6 mos stuff already.. but he is starting to bust out the toes of things.. thus the time is coming for him to graduate from the bassinet =(
and so we are going to Indianapolis on Saturday to scope out and hopefully buy bunk beds, so that next weekend we can transform Brigham's room into the "boys" room.
and so I'll leave you with a pic I took a little while ago... he was actually 3 1/5 months in this pic: