we dress our kids up in ridiculously cute outfits resembling some sort of character or animal.. sent them out in sub freezing temps and force them to beg for the stuff, that we spend the rest of the year telling them they can NOT have.

But our kids did not disappoint, and we have been enjoying their rewards all week!
So I mentioned that we did a lot of tricking and treating festivities... below is a picture of when we visited grandma at her office. Her coworkers always go way into dressing as themed characters.. last year was the wizard of oz.. and this year was Mickey Mouse and company. the kids loved it, and they got lots of attention and a little bit of the sweet stuff.
I am finding it is super hard to get 3 little munchkins to all look at the camera at the same time.. it couldn't have anything to do with the chocolate they inhaled before hand right?

and here is the super cute craft that I brought in to do with Brigham's class for his party. I was so excited, that I was able to attend his party. I had had a photo session scheduled for like 2 months for that morning, and all week, they had been calling for rain. I wasn't going to cancel my session until the last minute, so when we woke up to downpours, I did a little happy dance.

and here is the super cute craft that I brought in to do with Brigham's class for his party. I was so excited, that I was able to attend his party. I had had a photo session scheduled for like 2 months for that morning, and all week, they had been calling for rain. I wasn't going to cancel my session until the last minute, so when we woke up to downpours, I did a little happy dance.
(don't get me wrong.. ) I was bummed not to have the family session, but we rescheduled for a much warmer , non - raining kinda day, and it turned out fabulously.
SCORE. Brigham was so thrilled to have me in his class room and I admit, it was pretty fun helping out, and being able to finally be that fly on the wall..
Here is our trick or treating crew on Halloween. we continued our 3 year tradition of running around with friends.. we realized that we are missing a little one for the group picture. I thought Andrew had brought him out, and he thought I had. sadly, we had left our little giraffe all alone on the couch inside! lol

(not sure he noticed though)
and action shot.... the two older kids ran around up and down.. while the two littlest ones lingered for a bit..
our giraffe trick or treated in style.. not sure he really made a peep the whole time, until it was pitch black and 10 degrees colder than when we started. he became a tad unhappy

about half way thru, I was waiting 4 housed behind, for my little monkey to come back down from the houses. she got distracted with the candy.. or with some decoration on the front porch.. or the fact that she said 'thank you.'
she did not fail, in coming down each drive way yelling " I say Tank you"!!
sucking powder out of a tiny hole can be very frustrating!!!

here is the pic of him (left inside by himself). Does he look sad? that about wraps up our Halloween adventures. still have to share our museum pics. they are pretty cute too. hope you all had a great time too !
Beckham turned 4 months on Tuesday.. and since I have yet to even post his 3 month pics, I'll leave you with one from his 4 month mini shoot.. I had posted his traditional "4 month" pose on the chair, but I just accidentally deleted it and don't want to redo this post. so you get this super cute one where Tatum just couldn't stand not being "in" the picture. she kept trying to climb up on the chair while I was trying to get Beck.. finally I gave in.. and I am so glad I did !
Oh the pics of the children are just adorable...I love the action shot with them running!!!!! Such a blessing to have such a wonderful family!!!! :-)
um...that photo is adorable. geez. you make cute babies. maybe you should have a couple more :)
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