last year , grandma took Brigham to our little zoo's festivities... this year we piled up the car..
and took an elephant and a monkey. we figured they would be in their element...

where a monkey could practice their putting...(the elephant actually got a hole-in-one!!)
and an elephant would be super scared of the mouse that ran across the grass!!!

lots of different games were played.. and it only rained for like 3 minutes so we headed into the butterfly garden , got sprinkled by fairy dust, and saw some scary creepy crawly things.

this cracks me up. as if people staring into the cages of the llama , the goats, and the rabbits.. were not strange enough.. NOW... an elephant and a monkey.. (and lots of other spooky things) peered over the edge to catch a glimpse.

where a monkey could practice their putting...(the elephant actually got a hole-in-one!!)

lots of different games were played.. and it only rained for like 3 minutes so we headed into the butterfly garden , got sprinkled by fairy dust, and saw some scary creepy crawly things.

this cracks me up. as if people staring into the cages of the llama , the goats, and the rabbits.. were not strange enough.. NOW... an elephant and a monkey.. (and lots of other spooky things) peered over the edge to catch a glimpse.
don't worry.. we didn't get 'treats' from these folk
Brigham always likes the "mad scientist" tent.
it was a bit too much for Tatum, but Brigham got to do all kinds of crazy things.. the highlight was making slime. which ended up (supposedly left on our bumper in order to disappear), but instead got shut in our trunk, so that we drove around town for 2 days with a large baggie full of hot pink slime hanging out!! LOL
the end of the night... one pooped out elephant...

it was a bit too much for Tatum, but Brigham got to do all kinds of crazy things.. the highlight was making slime. which ended up (supposedly left on our bumper in order to disappear), but instead got shut in our trunk, so that we drove around town for 2 days with a large baggie full of hot pink slime hanging out!! LOL

Tatum sporting her new favorite coat... I think this was taken at the rest stop somewhere in Kansas.. lol... and yes.. people.. I know I haven't even blogged about the Colorado trip... I am really losing pts.. (and probably readers too! ) HA!
and yes, brig's pumpkin patch field trip was on the 22nd.... I have become the worst bloggin' mom ever !!

um, Heather.. we've got bunny ears too!! LOL
maybe he knows peace out.. don't know how though..

and these are two of Brigham's bus stop buddies Skye and Jaylie

getting into postition to find that perfect gourd....

and he spots it... wanted one with 'a little bit of green".. he kept sayin.. lol

lunch time.. Brigham was so excited that I packed a cooler with lunch for him and I. except one poor kid forgot to bring a lunch so I gave him mine.

um, Heather.. we've got bunny ears too!! LOL
maybe he knows peace out.. don't know how though..

and these are two of Brigham's bus stop buddies Skye and Jaylie

getting into postition to find that perfect gourd....

and he spots it... wanted one with 'a little bit of green".. he kept sayin.. lol

lunch time.. Brigham was so excited that I packed a cooler with lunch for him and I. except one poor kid forgot to bring a lunch so I gave him mine.
well ... dang... didn't have to force down the lunchable... bleck!!!

Brigham with one of his class mates Toby showing off their prize pumpkins...
and his friend Adam, who is in a different class so it was fun for them to play together

success.... after a fun day out! perfect weather, and it didn't start raining until the kids were on the bus, and moms were in their cars.

Brigham with one of his class mates Toby showing off their prize pumpkins...

success.... after a fun day out! perfect weather, and it didn't start raining until the kids were on the bus, and moms were in their cars.
thank you Lord!
could have made for a muddy, miserable day!
could have made for a muddy, miserable day!
and so there are a few glimpses into our October outings..
I'll post more pics of our trip to the Children's Museum in costume on Halloween as well as our trick or treat night!
We actually celebrated several days... as the kids went to with grandma trunk or treating at a local church last Wednesday, and then we went to dinner with friends Friday night all in costume. were supposed to do our traditional downtown trick/treating.. but it rained cats and dogs... =(
(seriously, our kids are not lacking in the candy department)
Thank You Lord!!!
And I just realized that I haven't posted the littlest trick or treater...
any guessed on what he was?
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