(and now I have that 4 non blondes song in my head)
we have had so much going on lately, I sometimes wonder if I'll make it to Christmas!! lots of family/friends outings and my photography has been slamming me (and keeping me captive to my computer.. lol !!) But I totally LOVE it.. LOVE meeting new people and playing with new kiddos and itty bitty baby toes... YEP.. I definitely LOVE what I do. I am so thankful for those of you who have asked me to take your family's photos and those of you who have referred me! I am starting some work on some new business related things... hoping to have it done by the end of the year.. (maybe.)

Grandma had all 3 kids , so we enjoyed a nice lei surly dinner with some nice wine!! then a trip to Starbucks for some lovely conversation.

Around 1 pm we headed to MOE'S for Moe's Monday, where they have specials on their burritos. Tatum loves the 'cheese crisps' and chips and green salsa..(the spicy kind , of course) and the cookie.
We had some other running around to do, before Brigham got home from school.. and then I made a pork chop dinner.
We went to the grocery store to pick up snacks for Brigham since he was TOP DOG on Tuesday, and ended up doing a full blown shopping trip!
Got home around 9pm and we still hadn't had the cake I had made. Actually it wasn't even frosted yet.
Brigham got in his jammies, and created a masterpiece complete with half a jar of blue sprinkles (b/c blue is daddy's favorite color, don't ya know?)
The cake was super yummy, and we (I ) have been eating on it all week..
and today is career day in kindergarten.. remember Brig's career goals were an artist, or a janitor.
we went with artist, (since a mop or broom could have become a weapon in his class)

but doesn't he look so dang cute?

I went with the 'french' artiste... but has I was tying a little lime green neckerchief on my son, I was hoping that this day of dress up was not going to scar him for life... hoping children don't 'label' him ... lol !
maybe the faux stache would declare his manhood, even if it was carefully manicured!

and look who has a new chair!! borrowed this from Tatum's little boy friend Finn , who is now a big boy and no longer needs it.
Beckham LOVES IT!!! (for about 3 minutes) and then he loses it.

its the most liked piece of furniture we have gotten in years. the kids are all testing it out. yep. even my 5 year old , fits quite nicely in it..

its the most liked piece of furniture we have gotten in years. the kids are all testing it out. yep. even my 5 year old , fits quite nicely in it..
(don't worry, Katie, he has been warned not to do it again.. he breaks it and he buys you a new one with his money)
Love that he is looking up, like 'hey! what is going on?!"
got this basket like (at the end of summer! ) sorta on a whim, while in HL to buy a little trunk/suitcase thing to do Beck's 4 month pics in. I had this scene totally worked up in my head from walking down this trail, and just had to wait for the leaves to drop. Well, and the trunk was like $59 and NOT on sale, so then I saw this lady putting up displays using this bushel basket.. and asked if they were for sale. $4.99 is my cheapest prop yet!! LOL

as you can see almost all the leaves around here are off the trees. I am becoming creative with my photo sessions.. lol.

got this basket like (at the end of summer! ) sorta on a whim, while in HL to buy a little trunk/suitcase thing to do Beck's 4 month pics in. I had this scene totally worked up in my head from walking down this trail, and just had to wait for the leaves to drop. Well, and the trunk was like $59 and NOT on sale, so then I saw this lady putting up displays using this bushel basket.. and asked if they were for sale. $4.99 is my cheapest prop yet!! LOL
and I have used it quite a bit with other families this fall. bonus.

as you can see almost all the leaves around here are off the trees. I am becoming creative with my photo sessions.. lol.
and the bare trees are putting me in the spirit of (Gasp!) Christmas! well, that , and the fact that I have been working on getting our church outreach party under wraps. My first year to chair it, and since I have never been before , I am kinda learning as I go.. its going to be so much fun though. I can't wait!
off to enjoy the continued 60 degree weather we have been having, I NEED to plant my bulbs.. been putting it off forever! and then lots to edit, and then actually get to prep for a scrap booking night!
(another Gasp!) its been so long, not sure if I'll remember how to scrap!!
enjoy your weekend everyone!
1 comment:
he looks so big and grown-up in the bumbo. so sweet. and don't worry. i think the kids won't even be able to break it. it's pretty durable. but not durable enough to fall from on top of a table with a baby in it, so don't leave him alone on an elevated surface :)
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