and that is precisely why I did not post our valentines post in a timely fashion.. who wants to give in to a hallmark kinda holiday anyway.. (yep.. that is totally the reason.)
this picture above makes my so happy. like busting with joy kinda happy. my little girl is playing with other girls. I pretty much pulled away from the full schedule, play date and lunch dates every day of the week, dinners with friends, hosting parties, shopping trips,mom's groups, bible studies.. you name it , I was in it.. pulled out of it all in the last two years. God has taught me some valuable lessons through out all of this.. but now I am kinda lonely. and selfishly, I realize that my anti social skills will weigh heavily on her social skills. and I want the best, most happiest of times for my baby girl. (and my husband would like me to find a happy medium to my lack of "do nothing" life that I have become accustomed too.).. but really, folks.. its just safer this way. =P

OH... back to the picture.... we met some friends at chick fil a a couple of Friday's ago.. and my little girl had a ball with her "new" friends. My friend has a little boy her age, and they get along great.. but this was just to sweet to watch a pick up game of ring-around-the-rosy.. right there in the middle of chick fil a play land. AWE.
on to sweetest day.... (yeah, i know there is another day for that.. but this really should have been renamed for obvious reasons!)
exhibit A. made some yummy red velvet cup cakes for my lovies.

We had a little Earth Science lesson, when he discovered the pink tornado, and decided to ask a zillion questions about the scariest natural disaster I know of.

I got to drop the littles off at grandma's so that I could actually go in and help with Brig's party. This is the 3rd party I have been able to help with, and I just love being a part of his class and seeing what his every day looks like!
so this was one of their games during the party.. make the biggest tower out of candy hearts.. fun was had by all, that is until it got a bit nutzo as the towers came crumbling down with a vengeance.

Brig taste testing the cookies....

and then the eating thru the holiday continued on Sunday... woke up and we skipped church.. (it was a holiday after all, and I am pretty sure JC would have understood that we needed to spend some extra time doing "what marriage was intended for".. to celebrate...

Brig taste testing the cookies....

and then the eating thru the holiday continued on Sunday... woke up and we skipped church.. (it was a holiday after all, and I am pretty sure JC would have understood that we needed to spend some extra time doing "what marriage was intended for".. to celebrate...
and then we got up and I sent A to the store to get stuff so we could make this:

of course we went with everything heart shaped... the kids love it..

Beckham is starting to read... yay!!!

and earlier he was late coming back from the store, and after I voiced my dissatisfaction with that, he walked around the corner and revealed the source of his tardiness.

of course we went with everything heart shaped... the kids love it..
this is the first year in our marriage that I did not make heart shaped meat loaf..
My mom watched all the kids and sent us on a date night (er afternoonish getaway).. my hubby took me to the theatre. It had been a long time since either of us had been and we stood at the counter guessing at what any of the movies showing at that time would be about.. really had no idea about any of them.
well, we picked a winner. OH. MY.
So as we exited Dear John, I leaned to my hubby and said "I don't know who that guy was, but he is my new favorite. no man should be allowed to look that perfect".
and thanks to Facebook and a quick google search, my hubby has now downloaded every movie that Channing Tatum has ever been in.
Whew... besides the fact that his name is a bit odd.. he is everything as bit of perfect.
oh, and the movie was soooo good. for a chic flick, even Andrew liked it as it had 3 surprise twists in it. so yeah.. highly recommend it. Go get you a date night..
we also realized that we are very old. because the next day was President's day, and no school, every high school kid was there with their sig other .. and the college kids were there in groups. it was actually a bit amusing.
anyway... we went on to enjoy some great Italian dinner and then home to get the kids.
oh, and the kids got to open all their cards, and a few goodies that we got them, and a big bunch of goodies that grandma gave them. I love it when they come home with boxes full of every novelty "heart" item, for which I now need to find a home for. oy.
oh, and the kids got to open all their cards, and a few goodies that we got them, and a big bunch of goodies that grandma gave them. I love it when they come home with boxes full of every novelty "heart" item, for which I now need to find a home for. oy.

Beckham is starting to read... yay!!!
and then the kids were in bed, and my romantic guy brought me in these yummy things.
and a mudslide. what a combo right?
and earlier he was late coming back from the store, and after I voiced my dissatisfaction with that, he walked around the corner and revealed the source of his tardiness.
he had ordered these earlier in the week, and had to go all the way down town to get them.

I decided I would forgive him =)

I decided I would forgive him =)
my hubby is the best. I don't say it enough.. but I really and truly think God knew what he was doing when he brought us together that crazy drunken night in Ohio..
and three kids later, I love him more and more and he is more thoughtful and treats me way better than I ever feel deserving of.
thanks for making my heart day so awesome.
and I hope that you all were able to spend your heart day filled with your someones special.