Tuesday, February 16, 2010

snow days:

tend to make you go a bit stir crazy.... and do things.. well.. I guess being stuck inside for 3 days made me realize just how fast my kids are growing up....

yes, I know what this looks like. he is five. and folks.. its just bubbles in the bath tub. I hope its a loooong way off in the future before we have that talk about using a similar looking contraption..lol

and my darling daughter is 2 and a half going on fifteen... seriously.. walked in and caught her catalog shopping from the new hanna andersson spring line.. and of course she has tight grip on the remote.. as its her show. or no shows.

( her only saving grace that she is still my little girl is the finger up her nose and pink sippy cup!)

and my little dude. doing what he does best. and lately (as of the last month) showing off his new trick. Yep. I haven't even posted about him sitting up. He started right before his 6 month bday. I had a whole post of pics edited too.... =(..

(this is one of my favorite outfits that Brigham wore.. its a hedgehog line from Gymboree)

and just a quick snap shot of my cuties all playing well together.
We were ALL ready to go back to school on Thursday (even if it was after a 2hour delay).. actually I quite enjoyed the slower pace to getting out the door that day, but I lost some valuable time to get stuff done.
wait , who am I kidding.. the delay just gave me an extra 2 hours to sleep!! =)
Brigham loves school so much, that it really was the worst news, when I had to tell him school was cancelled each day. We tried to keep busy with projects, but it still seemed to be a bit much.
I will never comprehend why (or how ) a mom would want to home school. After the second day,
Andrew came home and jokingly, said "so have you decided which homeschool group you're joining? a big fat HA.
well.. I am off to watch LOST.. and perhaps I'll post again about our Love day festivities..


Nicole said...

Love the adorable photos - and we have some clothes from the hedgehog gymbo line too - they were Owen's first - and now Everett's... Glad you had a few fun days. And really - homeschooling - so far (it's just kindergarten at this point!) has been a lot of fun. Some challenging days. Some crazy days. But lots of learning - and it's great to be able to go at the kids' paces... and I really do enjoy the flexibility it provides us. At this point - i couldn't imagine it any other way! Maybe because I don't know it any other way! :-) We've enjoyed the "snow days" here - getting school done before lunch - so the kiddos can play outside all afternoon. Hang tight - spring is on the way!!! Hugs to you from Indy!

Unknown said...

your kids are so freaking cute! miss you guys! Beck is getting so big!! Hope you're enjoying the snow days..more than Brig!
Love love love,
cousin Hannah

Katie McDowell said...

um...those are some of the cutest pictures i have ever seen of your children, especially the one of all three of them together. beck is seriously so sweet.

Natalie at Mommy on Fire said...

Oh so funny - my oldest LOVES to look at the Hannah Anderson catalog. Too cute!


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