we enjoyed a relaxing time of hanging out, watching football and stuffing ourselves with down home cookin!
The day after Thanksgiving, Brigham and I got up very early to fly out to see the Huff side of the family in Georgia. Andrew stayed home as he was offered unlimited overtime . He did enjoy living the bachelor life for a few days.. complete with a poker game...( and the house was clean and he even suprised me by having a Christmas tree up!)
We enjoyed time with aunts and uncles and GIGI and GGpa, and cousins we had not see in like 10 years!! Of course, Brigham was the life of the party and made us ache with laughter as he showed us his"mad face". It was very peaceful being at the Lake and having no schedules at all!!
OCTOBER was packed with all sorts of fall festivities. We had a fall party at our house with about 8 families . Our house was a mad house with kids from 2months -9 years old running around!. We then headed to a pumpkin patch and tried for some photo ops.. can you tell how excited Brigham was!! We got to go on a hay ride out to the pumpkin patch to pick our own pumpkins! This was so much fun, but it got a little cold for the kiddos, and they all ended up with red cheeks and runny noses!. We had a great time as we met two other families for dinner and then went trick-or-treating downtown. Many of the stores stayed open later and handed out candy. The kids were so pumped! Things started out pretty slow, as you had to wait in line for what seemed like an hour before you could go in to a store. I think a couple of the parents were more disapointed(then the kids) in the amount of "loot" that was gotten! In the end we all had fun and ended up with about (10 pieces of candy!).. and besides this was a warm up for the real Halloween night.Here's a pict of (L-R) back row: Josh the pirate, Abby the Purdue Cheerleader, Emma as Snow White, Sophie as the princess, and Kiersten as a purdue cheerleader. front row: our little Brigham as the bumblebee , and Micha as a yellow jacket too! The high light of the night was the last booth we hit, which was the tatoo parler, handing out press on tattoos!! the kids loved it, and the adults were a little aprehensive of the dark creatures applying them to our kids!! Oh and Brigham had his first kiss from Sophie Kirk!! and then his second from Kiersten Wood!! We better watch out, he goes for older women!!
And here is a picture from our Harvest party we had on Halloween night. It was supposed to be a small gathering at our friends' house, but people kept inviting people, so in the end there were so many ghosts and gobblins, that we had to move the party to the church! It was raining, so we set up a grill outside and cooked hot dogs, and then roasted s'mores on the big church kitchen broiler!! Look at all these kids..
since the weather was not good, Andrew wanted to make sure the kids(and he) got some candy, so he went to the store and stocked up and then played a little game with the kids- pass the hot pumpkin! everyone had so much fun, and we all came together in a pinch to throw a fantastic fly by the seat of our pants mock cookout!!
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