this spring weather has definately put a skip in our step!!!
(did I just say that??)
I am pouting, b/c the last week and a half have been so packed with photo opps.. and I have been without a camera :(
however, I finally decided on one, and ordered on Monday.. so hopefully I can get out and recreate some of these moments!!
I have been super busy in the yard.. planting and weeding. I am designing a pathway to go around the whole right side of our house.
Thanks to my dog who, so nicely got rid of the grass by pacing in a very specific path throughout the entire winter!! That's a little less work for me!!
We are also designing a deck so we'll attack that sometime in May.
Brigham is loving being outside; he has become quite the little gardener too! He gets down in the dirt with his little trowel and scoops up like TWO pieces of dirt at a time!!
He also has developed quite the little obsession with running under the garden hose, when I water the flowers. he always ends up soaked!
This is going to be a fun (and dirty) summer!!! I can't wait!!
I started working three days a week at my church. We offer a cool service of Mom's time out to people in the community.We have three different sessions, and the kids take part in so many fun activities. It is such an awesome ministry to start with these wee ones!!
I am having a blast being with so many different temperments and Brigham is loving it too.
He learns so much from being there.. and it very cool that I can be there to experience it with him.
My friend and I are gonna tackle a renovation this summer of all three child care rooms.
that is Infants, toddlers , and community care. We are throwing around some different themes and then will get out the paint and go nutz..
I will probably come to you bloggers for a vote when the time gets closer. I am a horrible decision maker.. and can use all the help(KAT???) I can get!!
I have been asked to be in charge of a room for VBS this June. Vacation Bible School is an awesome week for the kiddos to release some energy and learn about God too.
The theme is SONTREASURE ISLAND... set in the Carribean.
I am so excited to have the wee ones again... 1-3 year olds!!! its gonna be so much fun!!
So, I have less then a month to get my room ready, including, stories, crafts, decor, and snack!
ANY creative cats have any ideas??
I have been pretty pathetic at blogging lately, mainly cuz after I visit all of you, I have just about enough time for a quick nap, before Brigham wakes up!!
Our days have been packed with play dates, and walks, and going to the park.
I am hoping to walk every day ..we have this really cool trail, by our house, that is close to 4 miles.
I thought having a toddler would help me burn off these pounds!! Its probably the fact that us moms get together for lunch 3-4 times a week, and meet for coffee a couple times a week.
My social calender seems to be revolving around food!!
anybody else have that problem?
Why is it that no one wants to get together for a gym play date???
Can you tell I am stressing about bathing suit season??
.. and for one more random thought... I am so stoaked about the blogging babes cj!!!
it is going to be so much fun!!
I need to get the blinkie link.. so I can add it to my blog.
speaking of, I actually have a lot of updating to do on this thing...wish I could just snap my fingers!!
I'll leave you with the last LO I did of brigham . I love the brightness of it, and he still had his baby chubb cheeks.!!!

have a super Thursday!!
how could I forget AI...
i was completely okay with the results of Kellie getting the boot(as if my opionion mattes!).
my picks are that Paris, will be next..
then Katherine, Taylor, Elliot, and hopefully the next AMerican Idol will be Chris..
I think he is really deserving..
they all rock.. and will end up very successfull/
i always hate that there CAN be only one!!
That's a really cute story about your dog!!! Mine just tries to eat the plants, which is a pain in the butt!
Whew! Sounds super busy.
My dog did the same number on our lawn over the winter. It's become my husband's new passion to "repair" the lawn. Ugh.
I totally understand the dog thing are lawn has been destroyed. I can't believe what she has done to it...but my hubbies trap is taking care of the moles and so maybe she will stop digging.
Good luck with VBS I remember when I did that...loved the kids hated the prep.
i hate being w/out a camera, thats the worst!
sounds like you're having so much fun enjoying the sun : )
so excited for you and the preschool stuff. i actually just read a kids party book that has a whole pirate themed party.....
fun fun!!!
wow, lots of stuff on your plate!!
sounds like fun though :)
i agree w/your AI picks, i'm rooting for Chris to win too!! Pickle needed to GO!
love the LO too!
oh man... all of you ladies have dogs. I want one. Too bad I can't... That sucks.
Awesome about preschool and teaching!!! You are one BUSY gal!! Wow!!!
Love the layout, so cute and fun!!
I really want Chris to win AI too, but I really really like Elliott! Either one and I'd be happy!! =)
WoW your one busy girl!! So exciting about the preschool and I love the theme, I'll see if I can think of some ideas for you!!
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