Friday, August 18, 2006

congratulations to the MILLERS

did you all see my cousins??? well, they almost won a million.. came close.. got runner up!
but they did win a cool new dodge !!
So proud of COle and Ld.
check them out . click down on the left to hear the millers.

well, I should fess up, they are not my cousins. But they are home town favorites. I have been watching these guys and their family play since LD was like ten years old!! He is amazing, that kid!

not much going on here. running here and there. preparing for the fall routine.
Had my big open house for my business yesterday. Didn't have a huge turn out, but got lots of outside orders. My goal is to make enough so that I can put down new flooring in my kitchen and dining area!!
with a two year old feeding himself, the carpet has become spot central! Yes I said, carpet in the dining room. Is that not the dumbest thing?
anyway, I have searched out, and am going to do a wood type floor. hopefully soon.

Brig is almost potty trained. well, he would be if I would stop being the lazy mama and just work with him more. Its so convenient to just let him go in the diaper! he is coming and telling us, so that is good.

I think the other thing, is the milestone of that my baby is pottying in the toilet!! HE's not a baby anymore..=(

I 'll leave you with a funny comment from the mouth of a 2 year old.
He was just looking out the front window. He saw a little white truck drive by (like an S-10) or something.
He started saying.. "bye bye pizza.. bye bye pizza!"
cracks me up. is is saying to much about the habits of our neighbors..(certainly would not be us!

Have an awesome weeekend! I am going to get my scrap on. hopefully. I have definately been slacking.
party on dudes =)


Kat said...

have fun scrapping this weekend!!!
i'm jealous.......
got your package in the mail- thank you thank you! yay for bday wishes :)

Wendy said...

Okay- I was totally ready to call up my family and tell them I "know" someone who is related to someone on America's Got Talent.


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