Thursday, April 10, 2008

rain rain go away

its a rainy day here and thank goodness because my grass desperately needs it!
my daffodills are in full bloom all over my front gardens and its making me want spring in a very bad way!
our neighbors mowed their lawn this week, and that sound of the mower, combined with birds singing and the kids down the street screaming..... just sounds like summer!
Oh, I can not wait!!!

I am sorry for you Colorado folks who are getting like 5 inches of snow and temps still in the 30's!! YIKES!

Brigham is so bummed that he can't go outside today. I think he's got the bug too... we got teased with a couple beautiful days this week. So since its been non stop raining we have dug into our game closet....
candy land, go fish, hi ho cherry oh, and thomas counting games are a few of our faves.

so here is a fun little game for any of you scrapbookers out this from the fabulous girls over at SCRAPFRIENDZY.

Take the challenge. and let me know what you IQ is??
ScrapIQ test

hope you're having a great day!


Anonymous said...

Oh poop with the rain. At least it's not snow Elizabeth! We had our (hopefully last storm last snow storm last week!) Off to check out your scrapIQ test. cool :)

Janette said...

Don't forget April showers bring May flowers! :) We are getting teased too. BUT to me April means rain.

I took pictures of my crocus and posted them. Now they are almost done and my daffodils are getting buds and my tulips are growing each day a little more. Our grass is starting to get green. Last night I heard my first frog of the season. We always sleep with the window open a little. Yes even in the winter. Oh i was so excited to hear the frog. It wasn't that loud. Don't forget it's been sleeping all winter. I told my husband it sounded like it still had a morning voice. He just laughed at me. BUT the earth is waking up and spring is here once again! I'm so happy!

Anonymous said...

daffodils, eh? i'm just more than a little jealous. right now the only flowers i'm seeing are the ones in the seed catalog I'm drooling over:)


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