so last weekend we were supposed to go camping with our friends the Kouts... had been planning this event for months. and for those of you how know us, know that we are a tad aprehensive about the whole bugs, dirt,sleeping on the ground and other primative accomadations.. but our friends had wanted us to go with them last summer, and well, I was up for it, to 'experience' it and ok, seriously, so I could SCRAPBOOK the occasion. Our friends brought up the idea again, this spring, and I convinced Andrew (who's still has nightmares from the baby deer that he happened upon while frisbee golfing) to try it out!
Sooo we were all geared up, had lined up all our necessary equipment to borrow from friends, and were mentally prepared. Until God had other plans for us.
Parts of the state of IN was declared a disaster due to flooding... they had to close the interstate in some parts.. and tons and tons of property was damaged to due the monsoon-like weather we've had this month!!
So last wed, we called down to the camp, and the Lake was 25ft above capacity... the docks were covered, debris in the water and they said that if we got 5 more feet than the road leading to the campgrounds would be gone.
We had rented a boat for the afternoon also, and were able to cancel that as well as the camping lot. and the lady actually asked our friend what the reason was, when he called to cancel our reservations! UM, while mud is known to have a cooling effect, I am pretty sure we don't want to sleep in it! so bummer, but we're trying again later this weekend. the kids were disapointed, and I have to admit I was pretty devasted that I wouldn't be able to eat my quota of chocolate and marshmallows.
We ended up opting for a grill out instead of campout and pool time with our friends.. with the intention to finally nailing down our vacation, which we had been 'talking' about since March.
So finally after flipping through brochures, fighting over the internet and midnight upon us, we secured hotel resv. for here. St. Louis here we come! and we only picked the hottest time(last week in July) to head to MIS-ERY.
But we'll be staying here, for five days, and that way we can hang out in the evenings, after we've been on the go to all the attractions during the day. Holy cow, there is alot to do there! Luckily we all agree on doing the same types of stuff, so its going to be a blast.
I actually went with my family when I was younger, but things are a bit fuzzy!! LOL
There will be five kids between us, and they all get along fabulously. can't wait!
so to the bits and pieces part comes in to play as we were starting up the grill, ready to celebrate fathers day with my dad!
( we had already celebrated with Andrew with KFC and kite flying)
I was prepping in the kitchen and noticed that in about 5.3 seconds the sky had turned an eery shade of green. everything was calm. and then WHOOOSH!
things started flying..Andrew ran out to turn the gas off and brigham started directing everyone to get to their safe place.
Andrew came running in saying, he'd never seen wind like that, and has he was running inside, a piece of siding came hurling by him.
I ran to the front window, just in time to see our neighbors' gazebo completley up in the air!
um, scary.
and about ten minutes later it was all done. we went outside, to see the skies clearing, and our yard and street littered with branches, siding, and roof shingles.
this was one street over. by far got hit the worst.. brigham has not stopped talking about 'the house that the roof went all gone'!

and these two majorly huge trees busted down the power lines, which left us in the dark for about 6 hours!!

whirlwind... of a week began...
got up in the am to go teach vbs( I was supposed to be in charge of the preschool room) totally did the room up right. It was so stinking cute.. better be, I had drug my kids in for about 10 hours the week before as I decorated the whole thing and turned the room into a backyard haven!! (pics to come)
spent the afternoon with jennifer... catching up.. way over due for gab time.
went to lunch Tuesday down at our train depot .. brigham experienced sidewalk cafe dining where it was a tad 'windy'.. he was so worried that his plate was blowing away and that his hair was blowing.... oh, my he is so high maintence!! LOL
then we met some friends at the fountain, and we all got a good sunburn.
wednesday we met my friend Trini at the zoo. Her little girl and brigham were all matchy in their browns and khaki... we had to theme them up like zoo keepers (pictures not available at this time)
after 3 hours playing we finally decided to head over to Chick filet for a late lunch. The kids got to play a bit more and the moms gabbed some more.
and then we all came home for naps!!
Thursday, we met some lifegroup friends for lunch at the park. Brigham was so excited b/c we got to play at 'grandma's park'!! the kids found the big sticks left over from Sunday's storm more facsinating than any of the play equipment!
whatever.. kept them out of our hair, so we could chat.
are you seeing a theme.... we get kids together for 'Play dates' but is it really for the kids? or the moms?? LOL
Thurs night I went with my friend to an enrichment night at her church. Its the 4th one I have been to with her. Its something pretty common with the LDS church, and it is just soo cool! I always leave, so uplifted. (spirtually and physically) the food is always so amazing, and the talks so meaningful. the night was focused on 'renewing' so we had tasty apps and a choc fountain with all kinds of yummies to dip.. and then we learned some relaxing techinques from the Alexander method... made bath salts , and whipped up some cute little scented massage pillows! I actually sewed something!! My husband was in shock, as he has 3 shirts that have been awaiting buttons, for the last 2 years!! LOL .. now, he knows, I can sew! oops!
anyway yesterday my friend Sarah came over and while the kids played, she let me take some pictures of her cute preggo self!
I am almost done editing them, and then I'll share!
went to a bday party for a little friend today.. they had turned their back yard into a super splasher water park.. with all kinds of slides and stuff(pictures to come)..
then we headed over to our annual festival.... Taste of Tippecanoe. Our friend did the website for it, so he got us free tickets.. the weather was perfect. and our friends had VIP passes, which basically were good for clean restrooms and beer. Worked out perfectly for us all night long!!
beer is always so expensive at those things.. and when the food is like so tiny, then its hard to justify paying the price for it.. anyway, we had a great time.. stayed til nearly midnight.. Tatum saw her first fireworks, and did suprisingly well!(pictures to come)
and now I am exhausted. so I'll work on posting some pics later.. too lazy to get them off the camera!
hope you've all had a fantastic week!
I am looking for some down time next week LOL
WOW girl you sure had one busy week. So glad you are all safe from the tornado. Praise the Lord! Sorry to hear you could not go camping. We are not campers. Natasha is going on the weekend for one week with her boyfriend and his family. She is sleeping in a tent with her friend Sarah on the ground. Oh I can't wait to hear the stories! LOL
Can't wait to see your new pics.
Have a great day.
thats a whirl wind for sure!! that is so scary! I hate storms like that too... but we're used to them around here. still scary!
sounds like you've been having a fun summer!
glad you guys are ok...stuff like that scares me to death!
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